I am trying to setup a many-to-many relationship for two tables where
I would like to allow more natural access to the data using a
dictionary interface.  The exact usage is pretty complex to explain,
but I have come up with a simple example that demonstrates the same
concept. (there is a full code example at the end of the e-mail)

The tables are:
  - Script: holds a code script to run
  - VarTypes: Type details for variables that can be used as input and
output to the script

The relationship is:
  - For each Script, there is a set of named variables.
  - Each variable has a type associated with it
  - Each variable can be either an input variable or an output variable

What I want to allow in the end is something like this:

script = Script()
script.code = "test code"

var1 = VarType()
var2 = VarType()
var3 = VarType()
var4 = VarType()

script.input_vars["in1"] = var1
script.input_vars["in2"] = var2
script.output_vars["out1"] = var3
script.output_vars["out2"] = var4

Is there some way to setup a many-to-many relationship to do this?


Here is the more complete code example to play with and see what I am
thinking so far for table definitions.

from sqlalchemy import (create_engine, Table, Column, Integer, String, Text,
                        MetaData, ForeignKey)
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, backref, relation, create_session

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)

metadata = MetaData()
metadata.bind = engine

script_table = Table('script', metadata,
        Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('code', Text)

types_table = Table('types', metadata,
            Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
            Column('desc', Text))

script_var_table = Table('script_var_table', metadata,
            Column('script_id', Integer, ForeignKey('script.id')),
            Column('var_name', Text),
            Column('input_output_type', Integer),
            Column('type_id', Integer, ForeignKey('types.id')))

print "Creating all tables"


class Script(object):
   def __init__(self):

class VarType(object):
   def __init__(self):

mapper(VarType, types_table)
mapper(Script, script_table, properties = {
   'vars':relation(VarType, secondary=script_var_table)

session = create_session(bind = engine)
script = Script()
script.code = "test code"
var1 = VarType()
var1.desc = "var type 1"
var2 = VarType()
var2.desc = "var type 2"



# ---- WOULD LIKE --------- #
# Can this be done using
# - Custom join condition on input_output_type
# - column_mapped_collection
script = Script()
script.code = "test code"

var1 = VarType()
var2 = VarType()
var3 = VarType()
var4 = VarType()

script.input_vars["in1"] = var1
script.input_vars["in2"] = var2
script.output_vars["out1"] = var3
script.output_vars["out2"] = var4

print "Done"

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