On Jun 2, 2008, at 11:55 AM, Nebur wrote:

>> this wont work out of the box because a particular object instance  
>> can
>> only be in one Session at a time.   For this kind of use case we
>> provide a method called "merge()" which takes a dont_load=True
>> argument to create local copies of objects in sessions.
> Yes, the "custom identity map" cannot be a sessions identity map, it
> is a plain dict. Otherwise, the objects indeed would have to be merged
> in any new session. But copies of the objects, anyway, are not desired
> since identity is to be kept.

so....since these objects are returned by create_instance(), that  
means they are getting sent straight into a Session.  I'm assuming you  
didn't write your own Session, so what happens when the  
populate_instance() step gets run on the objects , and several  
concurrent threads are all issuing populate_instance() on those items  
at the same time ?  There is no guarantee within the load of objects  
that there are no state changes - including internal state variables  
like "state.runid" which definitely will not work with concurrent  
modifications.  Similarly, I dont see how very basic functions  
necessary for SQLA's operation, such as object_session(), can possibly  
work correctly here, since you are attempting to place the same object  
in multiple sessions - an object's session is identified by a single  
attribute placed upon the object's state (in 0.4 its on the object  

Unless your app is using only one Session.  Then it could work,  
however it would be extremely difficult to take advantage of multiple  
threads since you'd have to mutex virtually all access to that single  

If there is some central core of "state" that you dont want to  
replicate, it's still possible to have many copies of an object all  
reference that same state using a proxying pattern.  As far as hash  
identity, the __hash__() and __cmp__() methods work fine in that  

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