Lilo wrote:
> My understanding of this query_chooser is that it's used when you want
> to execute orm's sql rather than raw sql.
> I don't quite understand what is visit_binary function do from
> example.  What does it mean binary.operator,
> binary.left, binary.right.clause and query._criterion?
> The sharding design behind our application is that we have a master
> lookup table and shards.  What shard to execute sql is based on
> querying master lookup table.
> taken from sqlalchemy example:
> def query_chooser(query):
>     ids = []
>     # here we will traverse through the query's criterion, searching
>     # for SQL constructs.  we'll grab continent names as we find them
>     # and convert to shard ids
>     class FindContinent(sql.ClauseVisitor):
>         def visit_binary(self, binary):
>             if binary.left is weather_locations.c.continent:
>                 if binary.operator == operators.eq:
>                     ids.append(shard_lookup[binary.right.value])
>                 elif binary.operator == operators.in_op:
>                     for bind in binary.right.clauses:
>                         ids.append(shard_lookup[bind.value])
>     FindContinent().traverse(query._criterion)
>     if len(ids) == 0:
>         return ['north_america', 'asia', 'europe', 'south_america']
>     else:
>         return ids
> thank you.


(I'm probably going to get the details wrong here, but hopefully the
general idea will be right)

SQLAlchemy represents SQL expressions as objects, a bit like a parse
tree. For example, there are classes that represent tables, joins,
functions and so on. It uses a Visitor pattern
( to traverse these

A binary clause is an SQL expression with an operator, a left half and a
right half. For example, in the clause 'id = 5', binary.left  is 'id',
binary.right is '5', and binary.operator is '=' (or rather,
operators.eq, which is the object that represents '=').

The query_chooser function above uses a Visitor to look through all the
SQL expressions that make up the query that is about to be executed.
Because the only overridden method is 'visit_binary', anything other
than binary clauses are ignored.

The method body could be written in long-hand as:

If the left part of the expression is 'weather_locations.continent':
   If the expression is 'continent = XXX':
      add the shard for continent XXX
   Else if the expression is 'continent IN (XXX, YYY)':
      add the shards for XXX and YYY

(operators.in_op corresponds to the 'IN' operator, and
binary.right.clauses contains the right-hand-side of that expression)

The fallback case (if len(ids) == 0) happens if the visitor failed to
find any expressions that it could handle, in which case all the shards
will be queried.

I don't understand your situation well enough to know how to adapt the
example. If your master lookup table is basically doing the same job as
the shard_lookup dictionary in the example, then you could replace
shard_lookup above with a function call that does the query.

I hope that helps,


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