miruku is a migration toolkit for SQLAlchemy.

I'm pleased to release miruku 0.1a6. There are several bugs fixed
since 0.1a3. You may need to re-read the tutorial to adapt some not
backward-compatible updates. If you have any suggestion or question,
welcome to report at http://groups.google.com/group/ollix-miruku :)


0.1a6 (July 11th, 2008)
* Fixed deprecated arguments with sessionmaker for SQLAlchemy >= 0.5.
* The configuration format now support SQLAlchemy's

0.1a5 (July 7th, 2008)
* Fixed error occurs when upgrading a table containing a PickleType

0.1a4 (July 7th, 2008)
* Remove Python 2.5 specific syntax.
* Fixed the error occurs when column's default or onupdate attribut is
  to function.
* Support multiple metadatas corresponding to a database.
* Improve the help text of each commands.
* Replace "dafualt" column to "index" when running `miruku info`

Download and find resources at http://trac.ollix.org/miruku
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