Good morning all,


So, this morning's challenge has been learning many-to-many relationships,
after reading through the tutorial I understand most of the core concepts of
how it should work but I'm struggling to actually make it do so, I thought I
would come and rely on you good people to help me in the right direction.


I have 3 tables configured in my MySQL database, for arguments sake let's
say they're called 'post', 'keyword' and 'post_keyword'. I'm declaring my
'post' class like so in a module called


from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, MetaData, ForeignKey

from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, backref


# Configure the delarative base for SQL Alchemy.

Base = declarative_base()


# Define the Remote Device class.

class post(Base):


    # Define the table for SQL Aclchemy

    __tablename__ = "post"


    # Define the class properties for SQL Alchemy

    id = Column(String, primary_key=True)

    content = Column(String)


    keywords = relation("keyword", secondary=post_keyword,


I then have a pretty much identical class declaration for 'post' but with
the obvious changes to its name and property. However, when trying to use
this class I get an exception thrown by SQLAlchemy saying:


NameError: name 'remote_device_message' is not defined


Which is fair enough, as it isn't, I wonder if I'm meant to import it
somehow into that post class?


All the examples I've found seem to focus on the idea of A) having these two
classes defined in the same file and B) using an in memory database where
you 'create' the association table in the script, whereas with mine it
already exists in the database. It's making me a little confused I think.


I'd really appreciate your help on showing me how this implements.





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