Yep, that was exactly what I needed! I've just ordered the book so
hopefully I won't  end up struggling on the little things like this
again! Thanks for your help, much appreciated!


On Aug 18, 11:30 pm, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 18, 12:30 pm, Ally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I’m fairly new to DBs and SQA and I’m having a few issues with
> > multiple foreign keys. Essentially, I have a “Character” table with
> > Character IDs and their associated name, and a Stats table, with
> > containing data about various events, with two separate columns both
> > with FKs to the Character ID table.
> > These tables are stored in on my HDD relected at runtime, using the
> > Table('Character', meta, autoload=True) format. My problems arise
> > whenever I try and join these tables, I keep getting an error similar
> > to this:
> > “Can't determine join between Stats and 'Character'; tables have more
> > than one foreign key constraint relationship between them. Please
> > specify the 'onclause' of this join explicitly.”
> > Fair enough, but when I try to do this, along the lines of:
> > s =
> > join(Stats,Character,DeathKill.c.OBj1_uid==Character.c.character_uid)
> > I get:
> > “sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Not an executable clause: [DeathKill]
> > JOIN [Character] ON [DeathKill].killer_uid =
> > [Character].character_uid”
> > Any suggestions or pointers would be greatly appreciated! Sorry I
> > can’t post more code just now as I not near my work PC!
> There's some context missing here that would help with an answer.   If
> you are just taking "s" and saying something along the lines of
> "s.execute()", you'd need to first convert "s" into a select()
> construct using something like "select([stats_table]).select_from(s)".
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