Try putting the cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan" on OneToMany side of
the Relationship.

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:05 AM, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On Aug 26, 2008, at 6:08 PM, Alex Mathieu wrote:
> > Let's say I have two classes:
> >
> > class PublicationElement(Entity):
> >    using_options(tablename='publication')
> >    sections = OneToMany('SectionElement')
> >    covers = OneToMany('PublicationCoverElement')
> >    publication_id = Field(Integer, primary_key=True)
> >    name = Field(Unicode(255))
> >    short_name = Field(Unicode(30))
> >    app_download_link = Field(UnicodeText)
> >
> > class SectionElement(Entity):
> >    using_options(tablename='section')
> >    publication = ManyToOne('PublicationElement',
> > colname="publication_id", cascade="all,delete-orphan")
> >    section_id = Field(Integer, primary_key=True)
> >    name = Field(Unicode(255))
> >    articles_on_cover = Field(Integer)
> >    articles_on_sub_cover = Field(Integer)
> >    ad_on_top = Field(Boolean)
> >    ad_on_bottom = Field(Boolean)
> >    poll_rate_minutes = Field(Integer)
> >    poll_weight = Field(Integer)
> >    show_sub_cover = Field(Boolean)
> >
> > If I delete a PublicationElement entity, all the related
> > SectionElement entities get their publication_id key set to 0... and I
> > just can't figure it out why. I've been digging through the web, but
> > wasn't able any answer... Maybe I putted my cascade argument at the
> > wrong place ? Not sure to get it...
> this mapping suggests that the deletion of a SectionElement will cause
> the deletion of a related PublicationElement, but not the other way
> around.   The cascade would have to be moved to the
> "PublicationElement.sections" side of the relation.    Im not sure
> where the "0" is coming from, SQLAlchemy will normally set foreign key
> references to NULL if no row is related.
> >


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