
On Aug 29, 2:21 am, "Werner F. Bruhin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike,
> Mike wrote:
> ....
> > I found the issue. For some reason, SqlAlchemy is passing a unicode
> > string to a varchar field in SQL Server, which is causing an error to
> > be raised. If I explicitly set the value to an integer or a string, it
> > works fine. I'm not sure how it's getting cast to unicode, but I think
> > I can work around this.
> How is your model defined?  Maybe the column is incorrectly defined in
> the model or if you use autoload then maybe there is a problem with the
> autoload code.
> I would also work around it, but provide some more details here in a new
> thread as it might point to a problem in SA.
> Werner

I'm not sure I really have a model. I created a separate Python file
to hold my table classes, but in my wx.App, I import those classes and
then map them to autoloaded tables. Then I bind my session object.
This may not be the correct way to integrate SA into wx (or any other
project), but I haven't seen any SA code in anything except for
TurboGears examples.

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