On Sep 3, 11:29 am, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to interface with a couple of Views in Microsoft SQL Server
> 2000. How do I go about doing this with SqlAlchemy? Since a View
> doesn't have columns per se, how do I go about creating a class and a
> table object to map them?
> I tried my Google-Fu, but there's not much out there on this subject.
> The SqlAlchemy wiki / bug list seems to have some information, but
> that looks kind of sketchy. Any advice would be appreciated.
> I am using Python 2.5.2 with SA 0.5.0beta3
> Thanks!
> Mike

Replying to my own message seems kind of schizo, but I found one
solution. I reflected the view into a Table() object and then used the
"select" method along with "and_" and "not_". I would prefer to use
the session object, but this works.

I'm currently converting the following SQL:

WHERE (DEPT = '%s') AND (NETNAME <> '')

I then access it like this:


engine = create_engine('mssql://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/DB')
meta = MetaData(engine)
emp_tbl = Table('MyView', meta, autoload=True)
s = select([emp_tbl.c.LNAME,
           and_(emp_tbl.c.HOME_DEPT==deptNum, not_(emp_tbl.c.NETNAME=="")))
res = engine.execute(s)
row = res.fetchall()


Is there a less messy way to accomplish this? (Yes, I am a SQL newb!)

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