alex bodnaru wrote:
> hello friends,
> i wanted to do a few sql commands in a ddl construct, but i failed with:
> pysqlite2:dbapi2 warning: you can execute one statement at a time
> i'm not very familiar with python db layer, but i know sqlite may be invoked
> specifically to execute one, or many statements divided by ';', so i suspect
> it's specifically invoked for one statement.
> while this is a good security measure for sql from untrusted sources, like 
> user
> input, it's quite annoying for a situation where free sql should be
> specifically
> added.
> as for my case, i had a batch of inserts based on an external file,
> and i couldn't
> invoke ddl.execute_at in a loop, so i had to switch to inserting a
> batch of unioned
> selects in one insert, which was nice to learn :).

The use case behind the DDL() construct is a single statement.  You can 
fire multiple statements by using multiple DDL()s.  But for inserts, 
I've found it more useful to write a 'after-create' event listener from 
scratch.  Here's one that I use in pretty much every project, in some 
form or another:

   def fixture(table, column_names, *rows):
       """Insert data into table after creation."""
       def onload(event, schema_item, connection):
           insert = table.insert()
               [dict(zip(column_names, column_values))
                for column_values in rows])
       table.append_ddl_listener('after-create', onload)

Looks like this in use:

           ('x', 'y'),
           (1, 2),
           (3, 4),
           (5, 6))

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