first u get your query sorted in proper order (by timestamp or even 
dbid, or hierarchicaly via subselect + groupby + order, whatever)
then yourquery[:1000] 
On Wednesday 24 September 2008 14:11:24 Heston James - Cold Beans 
> Morning Guys,
> I hope this'll be a fairly simple question. I have a query which
> looks something like this:
> the_objects =
> session.query(myobject.myobject).filter("myobject.created >
> :lastrecord").params(lastrecord=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
> from_date)).all()
> This grabs all the records after a particular date and time. What I
> WANT it to achieve though is to grab the first 1000 records that
> happen after a period in time. How would you suggest that I handle
> my limits and order_by's on this? It's important that no records
> get missed out you see so I need to be totally sure that the 1000
> records returned are the first 1000 records in chronological order
> after 'from_date'.
> I'm using SQLAclchemy 0.5 and MySQL 5
> I appreciate any advice you can offer.
> Cheers,
> Heston

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