This seems to come up often. I took a few minutes and threw together a
semi-robust way to do this on 0.5 series. I posted it under usage
recipes in the wiki:
It has some flaws, but should be somewhat helpful for debugging.


On Oct 15, 2:42 pm, "alex bodnaru" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi friends,
> i have a lot to learn from both approaches, but i have sadly appeared too 
> lazy.
> there will be no problem to imagine what the sql will be, only by
> looking at the
> template statement (with ?'s) and at the list of parameters.
> since the template is available to print (probably by __str__), i'd
> onlu ask where
> the bindparams list is. eventual quotes and escapes may be imagined by
> the types of
> the columns.
> thanks in advance,
> alex
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 12:54,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i have another approach, which may or may not serve you.
> > All those '?' are bindparams, and one can eventualy get them printed
> > with their names - and put names where there aren't.
> > that's what i needed, i guess replacing names with values would be
> > easy job.
> > the code is part of tests/ of sqlalchemyAggregator,
> >
> > or
> >
> > class T_mark( unittest.TestCase):
> > ...
> >    def setUp( self):
> >        self.m = MetaData()
> >        #hack for better visibility
> >        def bp( self,bindparam):
> >            if bindparam.value is not None:
> >               return 'const('+repr(bindparam.value)+')'
> >            k = bindparam.key
> >            if k.startswith( Converter._pfx): #my own bindparams
> >                k = k[ len( Converter._pfx):]
> >            return 'BindParam('+k+')'
> >        self.old_bp = DefaultCompiler._truncate_bindparam
> >        DefaultCompiler._truncate_bindparam = bp
> >    def tearDown( self):
> >        DefaultCompiler._truncate_bindparam = self.old_bp
> > ...
> > str(expression) then does things like
> > :const(True) AND :BindParam(oid) =
> > tags.tabl = :const('movies') AND tags.oid = :BindParam(oid)
> > there's some more stuff going on there around compatibility with SA
> > 0.3--0.5, but that's core.
> > ciao
> > svil
> > On Wednesday 15 October 2008 13:33:46 King Simon-NFHD78 wrote:
> >> > -----Original Message-----
> >> > From:
> >> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of alex bodnaru
> >> > Sent: 15 October 2008 11:00
> >> > To: SQLAlchemy
> >> > Subject: [sqlalchemy] how to print a constructed query with
> >> > it's parameters?
> >> > hello friends,
> >> > in order to debug my code, i wish to print my query sql.
> >> > it's in the fashion of
> >> > query =
> >> > table.query().filter(table.code='XL').filter('
> >> > %'+q+'%')
> >> > with unicode parameters.
> >> > by just printing query, i get the select with ? parameters, but
> >> > not the additional parameters list, that contains ['XL',
> >> > %q-value%]. since it doesn't presently work ok, i'd like to print
> >> > the list as well.
> >> > thanks in advance,
> >> > alex
> >> This question comes up a lot. For example, see
> >>
> >>2ede8 18f55c7
> >> Firstly, if you use echo=True in your call to create_engine, all
> >> SQL will be printed to stdout. The parameters will be displayed as
> >> a list AFTER the SQL is printed.
> >> Eg. (from
> >> BEGIN
> >> INSERT INTO users (name, fullname, password) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
> >> ['ed', 'Ed Jones', 'edspassword']
> >> SELECT AS users_id, AS users_name,
> >> users.fullname AS users_fullname, users.password AS users_password
> >> FROM users
> >> WHERE = ?
> >> ['ed']
> >> You can control the logging more finely using the logging module -
> >> see
> >>
> >> for more details.
> >> The problem is that SQLAlchemy doesn't ever replace those '?'
> >> characters with the actual parameter values. Those strings are
> >> passed directly to the DBAPI driver, along with the list of
> >> parameter values. It is then up to the DBAPI driver how it passes
> >> the query to the database. (This is why SQLAlchemy is fairly safe
> >> from SQL Injection attacks).
> >> Hope that helps,
> >> Simon
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