Hmm :)

I am looking for the same thing, I used to do it with sql, but I hoped
to make it more orm
Here is how i do it for sqlite

  def duplicateToDisk(self, file):
    '''Tohle ulozi databazi, ktera byla pouze v pameti, na disk'''
    cur = self.connection()
    import os
    if os.path.exists(file):
    cur.execute("attach %s as extern" % file)

    cur.execute("insert into extern.dictionary select * from
    cur.execute("detach extern")

On Sep 17, 8:51 pm, "Doug Farrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using SqlAlchemy with Sqlite to maintain a dynamic state table for a
> constantly running process. The table for this is kept in memory using
> the create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:') function call. My process is an
> endlessly running loop (with a sleep state), and I'd like to read the
> databse in from a disk file into the memory structure, process through
> my loop, and then write the state back out to the disk file, completely
> replacing the contents of the disk copy. Can anyone tell me, help me,
> advise me how I might go about doing this? I'm new to SqlAlchemy (noob),
> so forgive me if this is an dopey question.
> Thanks in advance,
> Doug
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