On 21.10.2008, at 20:22, Michael Bayer wrote:
> There's a couple of odd practices here, and removing each one
> individually may narrow down where things are going wrong.
> 1. What happens if you use the correct class, patient.op_ci_implant(),
> instead of "chartitem" which does not match the given type of
> "op_ci_implant" ?
> 2. Why does the primaryjoin condition for "chart" include a foreign
> key value of 0 ?   Note that SQLA probably cannot handle primary key
> values of "0" at this time.
> 3. Does the chartitem object attached to testpat.chart[0] have a
> primary key or was that not flushed properly either ?   What happens
> if you query for the parent chartItem directly and do not include
> "patient" in the operation ?   Simplifying each step and asserting
> sanity on each one is the key to isolating where something is going
> wrong.

Thank you very much for answering Micheal

As for 1.
It produces the same error if I use the patient.op_ci_implant. I  
forgot to put it back in, after I experimented with chartItem.

I use patient_chart.c.Parent==0 to exclude all non "root" items from  
patient.chart[]. But this does not seem to be the error. The simpler  
test file I created does not include it and still the same problem.  
But later on more to this topic.

testpat.chart[0] has the correct foreign key.

I have reimplemented the problem in a simpler, easier to understand  
source file. I have appended it to this mail. I really hope that  
somebody can help. This is driving me nuts!
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from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
metadata = MetaData()

# this table contains the base data for a patient, like his name, phone number ...
patient_table = Table('patient', metadata,
				Column('patID', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable = False),
				Column('name', String),

# Stores data like which operations have been performed on a patient or which exams have been performed ...
patientChart_table = Table('patientChart', metadata,
				Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable = False),
				Column('parent', Integer, ForeignKey('patientChart.id')),
				Column('type', String),
				Column('patID', Integer, ForeignKey('patient.patID'), nullable = False),

# contains the info about examinations
examination_table = Table('exams', metadata,
				Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey('patientChart.id'), primary_key=True, nullable = False),
				Column('date', DateTime),


class patient(object):
	class chartItem(object):
	class exam(chartItem):

mapper(patient.chartItem, patientChart_table, polymorphic_on=patientChart_table.c.type, polymorphic_identity='type',
	'id': patientChart_table.c.id,
	'patID': patientChart_table.c.patID,
	'parent': patientChart_table.c.parent,
	'type': patientChart_table.c.type,
	'children': relation(patient.chartItem)

mapper(patient.exam, examination_table, inherits=patient.chartItem, polymorphic_identity='exam',
	'id': examination_table.c.id,
	'date': examination_table.c.date,

mapper(patient, patient_table, properties={
	'id': patient_table.c.patID,
	'name': patient_table.c.name,
	'chart': relation(patient.chartItem)

testpat = patient()
testpat.name = "Test Patient"


print testpat.chart[0].id, testpat.chart[0].patID
print testpat.chart[1].id, testpat.chart[1].patID


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