yep i am in v0.5

On Oct 25, 9:50 am, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi -
> I'd have to create a test case to confirm this, but are you on 0.5  
> latest ?
> On Oct 25, 2008, at 3:44 AM, ershadul.hoque wrote:
> > thanks a lot for your solution. But i have been caught by the
> > following error. Please help me. bye
> > (OperationalError) (1054, "Unknown column '' in 'on
> > clause'") u'SELECT anon_1.journals_id AS anon_1_journals_id,
> > anon_1.journals_amount AS anon_1_journals_amount,
> > anon_1.journals_entry_date AS anon_1_journals_entry_date,
> > anon_1.journals_type AS anon_1_journals_type, anon_1.journals_party_id
> > AS anon_1_journals_party_id, anon_1.`journals_party_role_ id` AS
> > `anon_1_journals_party_role_ id` \nFROM (SELECT AS
> > journals_id, journals.amount AS journals_amount, journals.entry_date
> > AS journals_entry_date, journals.type AS journals_type,
> > journals.party_id AS journals_party_id, journals.`party_role_ id` AS
> > `journals_party_role_ id` \nFROM journals \n LIMIT 2, 6) AS anon_1
> > INNER JOIN ledgers ON = ledgers.journal_id' []
> > On Oct 23, 7:03 am, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On Oct 23, 2008, at 8:58 AM, ershadul.hoque wrote:
> >>> journals table has id column
> >>> ledgers table has journal_id column
> >>> consider that: journals table is mapped in
> >>> Class Journal(object):
> >>>    pass
> >>> and similarly ledgers as :
> >>> Class Ledger(object):
> >>>   pass
> >>> Now i want to run this query ( it runs successfully in mysql):
> >>> select * from (select * from journals limit 2,6) as some_journal  
> >>> inner
> >>> join ledgers
> >>> on = ledgers.journal_id
> >>> please help me.
> >> sess.query(Journal).limit(6).offset(2).from_self().join((Ledger,
> >>
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