> -----Original Message-----
> From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Hunter
> Sent: 08 November 2008 05:09
> To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [sqlalchemy] Re: select where field=max(field)


> Here is a query that lists the sum(pnl) for each symbol and strategy
> in my snapshots table
>   session.query(Snapshot.strategy, Snapshot.symbol,
> func.sum(Snapshot.pnl)).group_by(Snapshot.strategy,
> Snapshot.symbol).all()
> That works fine.  But what if I only want to list the rows where the
> sum(pnl)<-15000 ?  I tried a few things:
>   session.query(Snapshot.strategy, Snapshot.symbol,
> func.sum(Snapshot.pnl)).group_by(Snapshot.strategy,
> Snapshot.symbol).filter(func.sum(Snapshot.pnl)<-15000).all()
> but got the error below
>     raise exc.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e,
> connection_invalidated=is_disconnect)
> ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) (1111, 'Invalid use of group
> function') u'SELECT snapshot.strategy AS snapshot_strategy,
> snapshot.symbol AS snapshot_symbol, sum(snapshot.pnl) AS sum_1 \nFROM
> snapshot \nWHERE sum(snapshot.pnl) < %s GROUP BY snapshot.strategy,
> snapshot.symbol' [-15000]

I'm no SQL expert, so please take this with a pinch of salt, but as far
as I know, conditions in the 'WHERE' clause of an SQL statement are
applied BEFORE any grouping, so you can't use grouping functions (such
as SUM, MAX etc) in the WHERE clause. Instead, you add a 'HAVING'
statement on the end to filter the rows AFTER the grouping.

ie. The SQL you want is something like:

SELECT snapshot.strategy AS snapshot_strategy,
       snapshot.symbol AS snapshot_symbol,
       sum(snapshot.pnl) AS sum_1
FROM snapshot
GROUP BY snapshot.strategy, snapshot.symbol
HAVING sum(snapshot.pnl) < 15000

In SA, I think you might be able to write that as (untested):

.group_by(Snapshot.strategy, Snapshot.symbol)

BTW, I think the 'no grouping functions in WHERE clause' rule is also
the reason why your MAX query didn't work. The  fix that Mike gave you
turned that part of your query into a subquery that only produced that
single value. This statement:


...gets turned into something like 'SELECT max(datetime) FROM snapshot'.
This then gets embedded as a subquery into your larger query. It's
probably worth printing the SQL produced by each of the queries so that
you can see the difference.

Hope that helps,


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