hi there,

thanks for this. Has cleared alot of things up.

thanks again for the nice library.

On Nov 17, 3:34 pm, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 17, 2008, at 7:17 AM, Power Button wrote:
> > What I have tried is putting all the setup instructions into a class
> > and instantiating this in myApp.py. This doesn't make it global to all
> > the modules though. Do I need to pass this object around to all
> > classes as arguments to __init__() in order to reference this class?
> > (this seems a bit bulky to me)
> Neither your classes, mappers, or Table objects need any knowledge of  
> the Session or engine in order to be defined.  Table objects only need  
> a MetaData() object, which you probably want to define once in a  
> single module, which is imported by all of your other modules.   If  
> using declarative, then your declarative base class takes the place of  
> the MetaData object.
> The Session and engine should also be instantiated once globally.  
> When you start using the Session against particular classes, that's  
> when they have some association with the database.
> > Here is my Bootstrap class
> > class Bootstrap(object):
> >    def __init__(self):
> >        self.mDb = MyDb() #my DB abstraction class
> >        self.mEngine = self.mDb.getEngine()
> >        self.mSession = self.mDb.getSession()
> >        self.mMeta = self.mDb.getMeta(self.mEngine)
> >        if self.mTable1 == None:
> >            self. mTable1 = self.mDb.getTable("table1", self.mMeta)
> >            self.mEdoMapper = mapper(Table1, self. mTable1)
> >        if self.mTable2 == None:
> >            self. mTable2 = self.mDb.getTable("table2", self.mMeta)
> >            self.mEdoMapper = mapper(Table2, self. mTable2)
> this is overly complex.  You dont need any reference to mapper  
> objects, and the Table objects don't need to be so formally assigned  
> either.  A simple setup looks like:
> base.py
> ----------
> # global MetaData object
> metadata = MetaData()
> model1.py
> --------------
> import base
> class MyClass(object):
>      .....
> t1 = Table('sometable', base.metadata, ...)
> mapper(MyClass, t1)
> # more classes and tables
> model2.py
> --------------
> import base
> class SomeOtherClass(object):
>       .....
> t1 = Table('....', ....)
> mapper(SomeOtherClass, t2, ...)
> bootstrap.py
> ----------------
> # configure the database connection/session
> import base
> engine = create_engine('my engine://')
> Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))
> def create_tables():
>      """create all tables which don't yet exist in the DB."""
>      base.metadata.create_all(engine)
> application.py
> -------------------
> from bootstrap import Session
> frmo model1 import MyClass
> print Session.query(MyClass).all()
> I would also recommend the usage of 
> declarative,http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/plugins.html#plugins_declarative
>   , which simply means that the separate class/Table/mapper() objects  
> are defined at once, and it also allows dependencies between mapped  
> classes to be defined using strings which can reduce or remove  
> circular dependency issues.

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