Unfortunately, I posted the wrong version of my Itemtype class above;
fortunately it wasn't important for what I was trying to show.  Please
replace class Itemtype with the following, and note the additional
test lines and commentary which I also forgot to include.

class Itemtype(object):

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Itemtype: %s' % (self.name)

    def inherited_features(self):
        return ([feature for base_itemtype in self.inherits for
feature in base_itemtype.features])

    def features(self):
        result = self.own_features[:]
        if self.inherits:
        return result

    def dependent_features(self):
        return [f for f in self.features if f.determinants]

    def independent_features(self):
        return [f for f in self.features if not f.determinants]

The code i posted the first time was not the right code for the
inherited_features and features properties on Itemtype.  I must have
cut and pasted from the wrong test file.

Please observe the following interactions which may help paint a
clearer picture of what I'm doing with this stuff.

[Footwear Gender, Footwear US Shoe Size, Product Manufacturer, Product
Model, Product Year, Product Weight]

[Product Weight]

[Footwear Gender, Footwear US Shoe Size, Product Manufacturer, Product
Model, Product Year]

[Product Manufacturer, Product Model, Product Year, Product Weight]

[Footwear Gender, Footwear US Shoe Size]

These are all examples of some of the useful things I'm using this for
-- keeping track of which variables ('features'), in an inheriting/
cascading type system, are dependent and which ones are independent.
Later, when values are entered and stored for each feature, the
relationships between the values will be constrained by these same
feature dependency links, without having to repeat them at that time.

Sorry for the wrong code before.  Oh yeah, I forgot to demonstrate
this too, but it's trivial:

>>>Model = session.query(Feature).filter_by(name='Model').one()
[Product weight]
[Product weight]

... so all this works the other way around too, though requesting the
dependents of a given feature is not as interesting as requesting a
given feature's determinants.


On Nov 24, 11:51 pm, Eric Ongerth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Below, I have attached a working testcase.  It works, yes -- but my
> question is that I need to make an improved version of a particular
> method on one of my classes.  The following model will probably
> explain itself for the most part.  I'll let you read it first, then
> offer a few explanatory notes afterward just in case.  Finally, at the
> end, I will describe the difference between what the method in
> question does now, and what I would like it to do.
> The nature of the response I am seeking is: a description of what I
> need to do to build a better version of the method I'm speaking of,
> including any further insight on the practice of joining at multiple
> levels of a recursive / self-referential (but loop-free) graph.
> ---snip---
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.sql import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> engine = create_engine('sqlite://')
> metadata = MetaData(bind=engine)
> itemtypes = Table('itemtypes', metadata,
>     Column('name', Text, primary_key=True))
> itemtype_inheritance = Table('itemtype_inheritance', metadata,
>     Column('itemtype_name', Text, ForeignKey('itemtypes.name'),
> primary_key=True),
>     Column('parent_name', Text, ForeignKey('itemtypes.name'),
> primary_key=True))
> features = Table('features', metadata,
>     Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>     Column('name', Text),
>     Column('root_itemtype_name', Text, ForeignKey('itemtypes.name')))
> feature_dependencies = Table('feature_dependencies', metadata,
>     Column('dependent_id', Integer, ForeignKey('features.id'),
> primary_key=True),
>     Column('determinant_id', Integer, ForeignKey('features.id'),
> primary_key=True))
> metadata.drop_all()
> metadata.create_all()
> itemtypes.insert().execute([
>     {'name': 'Product'},
>     {'name': 'Footwear'},
>     {'name': 'Boot'},
>     {'name': 'Ski'}
> ])
> itemtype_inheritance.insert().execute([
>     {'itemtype_name': 'Footwear', 'parent_name': 'Product'},
>     {'itemtype_name': 'Boot', 'parent_name': 'Footwear'},
>     {'itemtype_name': 'Ski', 'parent_name': 'Product'}
> ])
> features.insert().execute([
>     {'id': 1, 'name': 'Manufacturer',
> 'root_itemtype_name':'Product' },
>     {'id': 2, 'name': 'Model', 'root_itemtype_name':'Product' },
>     {'id': 3, 'name': 'Year', 'root_itemtype_name':'Product' },
>     {'id': 4, 'name': 'Gender', 'root_itemtype_name':'Footwear' },
>     {'id': 5, 'name': 'US Shoe Size',
> 'root_itemtype_name':'Footwear' },
>     {'id': 6, 'name': 'Length', 'root_itemtype_name':'Ski' },
>     {'id': 7, 'name': 'Weight', 'root_itemtype_name':'Product' }
> ])
> feature_dependencies.insert().execute([
>     {'dependent_id': 7, 'determinant_id': 1},
>     {'dependent_id': 7, 'determinant_id': 2},
>     {'dependent_id': 7, 'determinant_id': 3},
>     {'dependent_id': 7, 'determinant_id': 4},
>     {'dependent_id': 7, 'determinant_id': 5},
>     {'dependent_id': 7, 'determinant_id': 6}
> ])
> class Itemtype(object):
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return 'Itemtype: %s' % (self.name)
>     @property
>     def inherited_features(self):
>         return reduce(list.extend,
>                       [base_itemtype.features for base_itemtype in
> self.inherits],
>                       [])
>     @property
>     def features(self):
>         return self.own_features.extend(self.inherited_features)
>     @property
>     def dependent_features(self):
>         return [f for f in self.features if f.determinants]
>     @property
>     def independent_features(self):
>         return [f for f in self.features if not f.determinants]
> class Feature(object):
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return '%s %s' % (self.root_itemtype_name, self.name)
>     def determinants_in_scope_of(self, itemtype):
>         return (session.query(Feature)
>                 .join(FeatureDependency.determinant)
>                 .join(Feature.root_itemtype)
>                 .filter(and_(FeatureDependency.dependent_id==self.id,
>                              Itemtype.name==itemtype.name))).all()
> class FeatureDependency(object):
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return "F_D: %s depends on %s" % (self.dependent.name,
>                                           self.determinant.name)
> mapper(Itemtype, itemtypes, properties={
>     'inherits':relation(Itemtype,
>         secondary=itemtype_inheritance,
>         primaryjoin=
> (itemtypes.c.name==itemtype_inheritance.c.itemtype_name),
>         secondaryjoin=
> (itemtype_inheritance.c.parent_name==itemtypes.c.name),
>         backref='progeny'),
>     'own_features':relation(Feature,
>         primaryjoin=(features.c.root_itemtype_name==itemtypes.c.name),
>         backref=backref('root_itemtype', uselist=False))
>     })
> mapper(Feature, features, properties={
>     'dependents':relation(Feature,
>         secondary=feature_dependencies,
>         primaryjoin=
> (feature_dependencies.c.determinant_id==features.c.id),
>         secondaryjoin=
> (feature_dependencies.c.dependent_id==features.c.id),
>         backref=backref('determinants'))
>     })
> mapper(FeatureDependency, feature_dependencies, properties={
>     'dependent':relation(Feature,
>         uselist=False,
>         primaryjoin=
> (feature_dependencies.c.dependent_id==features.c.id),
>         backref='feature_dependencies_as_dependent'),
>     'determinant':relation(Feature,
>         uselist=False,
>         primaryjoin=
> (feature_dependencies.c.determinant_id==features.c.id),
>         backref='feature_dependencies_as_determinant')
>     })
> Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
> session = Session()
> Product = session.query(Itemtype).filter_by(name='Product').one()
> Ski = session.query(Itemtype).filter_by(name='Ski').one()
> Footwear = session.query(Itemtype).filter_by(name='Footwear').one()
> Boot = session.query(Itemtype).filter_by(name='Boot').one()
> Weight = session.query(Feature).filter_by(name='Weight').one()
> Gender = session.query(Feature).filter_by(name='Gender').one()
> Year = session.query(Feature).filter_by(name='Year').one()
> ---snip---
> (to anyone who wants to play with this and doesn't know how, save the
> above code as testcase.py, and then run it from shell with python -i
> testcase.py; you then have a Python interpreter with all of the above
> objects still active, including the sqlalchemy session, with the
> ability to query and experiment).
> Notes on what this is supposed to model: Here are some of the facts in
> the problem domain.
> Each Itemtype inherits from others above it, except for root itemtypes
> (the only one of which in this example is Product).  The reason for
> using an inheritance paradigm here is so that you can set Features on
> any Itemtype and have them inherited by all of the subcategories (sub-
> Itemtypes) of that Itemtype.  In other words, once you give the
> itemtype called 'Product' a feature called 'Manufacturer' and a
> feature called 'Model', now *everything* that inherits from Product
> (in fact the whole rest of the graph, here) has those Features.
> What you can't see here is that there is a similar structure holding
> all the possible values of these features, and mapping combinations
> thereof onto product codes and actual physical items.  This is
> essentially a knowledge base for possible point-of-sale and inventory
> management systems.  I'm leaving the "values" part out for the sake of
> this simple example.
> The reason for feature_dependencies: D.R.Y.  meaning: in the real
> world if the value of one variable depends on a couple of others, you
> don't need to re-record the dependent variable unless its determinants
> (i.e. the variables upon which it depends) themselves change.  The
> testcase structure above encodes dependency links between Features in
> order to model the fact that, for example, the Weight of a Product is
> a function of (is determined by) that Product's Model, Year, Size, and
> so forth.  Better yet, these dependency relationships can easily be
> seen as "cascading" or inheriting along the same paths as Itemtype
> inheritance, so that feature dependencies need not be separately
> entered/recorded at every node of the graph.  It is sufficient to
> declare a feature dependency at its salient point -- meaning, at the
> highest node at which the dependent feature and its determinants first
> make contact -- and then simply allow the functional relationship
> (feature dependency) to propagate usefully downward through the graph
> to more and more specific Itemtypes.  This cascading process can pick
> up additional feature dependencies as needed along the way, until
> ultimately it reaches "terminal" itemtypes (i.e. leaves of the tree)
> which are considerd fully described.  The production version will
> include multiple inheritance because the real problem domain most
> definitely does NOT resolve to a simple hierarchical tree; it's a more
> general graph, though at least it has no loops (whew).
> In this example case I have left all but one of the Features as
> independent variables and set only one Feature, 'Weight', as a
> dependent of several of the rest.  In actual production my terminal
> itemtypes will have hundreds of Features storing a rich spread of data
> about the Items that will instantiate those Itemtypes, with the bulk
> of those features inherited from Itemtypes higher in the hierarchy --
> the 'abstract base classes' in this system, if you will.
> Anyway, just having Weight, alone, depend on several of the other
> Features is enough to keep this test case simple and show what it
> needs to show.
> So, please observe the following results in a shell, which are as
> expected/desired, and comments thereunder.
> >>>Weight.determinants
> [Product Manufacturer, Product Model, Product Year, Footwear Gender,
> Footwear US Shoe Size, Ski Length]
> comment: that's great, there we see all of the variables that
> determine the Weight of something.  But it's a little confusing in
> that form, because the Gender of and item of Footwear has nothing to
> do with the Length of a Ski.  So we have a method on Feature to tune
> in closer.
> >>>Weight.determinants_in_scope_of(Product)
> [Product Manufacturer, Product Model, Product Year]
> comment: now we're getting somewhere.  Those, as requested, are the
> determining factors for the Weight of an item, but only the ones that
> were inherited from the abstract Product itemtype.
> >>>Weight.determinants_in_scope_of(Footwear)
> [Footwear Gender, Footwear US Shoe Size]
> comment: that's great too.  We see that at the Footwear level, every
> item that belongs to the Footwear branch of the tree (including Boot,
> and its future descendants Ski Boot and Downhill Ski Boot, and so
> forth) will have their instances' weights be a function of gender and
> size -- without having to repeat myself by recording that fact over
> and over again in the instances or even in those specific terminal
> itemtypes.
> However, here's where I'm coming up short, and the reason for this
> whole post.>>>Weight.determinants_in_scope_of(Boot)
> []
> comment: That is as expected.  But it's not what I'm really looking
> for.  What I would really rather have returned by this query is the
> same determinant features reported for Footwear, because Footwear is
> the parent of Boot and Boot should inherit them.  Furthermore, the
> response to Weight.determinants_in_scope_of(Boot) should also include
> the responses from Weight.determinants_in_scope_of(Product) because
> Footwear inherits from Product, therefore so does Boot.
> >>>Weight.determinants_in_scope_of(Ski)
> [Ski Length]
> comment: This is as expected.  But what I would really like to get
> back is a result that reflects the inheritance of feature dependencies
> from Product, the parent itemtype of Ski.  In other words, I would
> rather have the answer to this query be [Ski Length, Product
> Manufacturer, Product Model, Product Year].  I would NOT want
> 'Footwear Gender' to show up because that is on a different branch of
> the tree; Ski does not have itemtype inheritance from Footwear, only
> from Product. Nor, conversely, should Ski Length influence the Weight
> of a Boot.
> So that's my question, then.  How do I build a method similar to
> determinants_in_scope_of() that follows on up the chain of itemtype
> inheritance and returns the features on which a given Feature instance
> is dependent (a.k.a. its 'determinants' in the language of this
> particular model), all the way up to reach any root itemtypes no
> matter how many levels of inheritance are involved?
> I have been experimenting with the joins and filters in this method so
> far...  Where I keep failing is when I try to figure out how to have
> the query climb up through an arbitrary number of levels in the
> Itemtype inheritance structure.
> Thank you for your patience with this long post; If you've read this
> far, I hope it has been interesting.  Hopefully Mike or others can
> suggest a better set of joins or other techniques to tweak this
> structure toward the behavior I'm aiming for.
> Eric
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