> All of that dbcook stuff scares me, though I think I can see 
> why you want it.   
heh. your model will look this way:
import dbcook.usage.plainwrap as o2r
class Text( o2r.Type): pass

class Itemtype( o2r.Base):
   name = Text()
   inherits = o2r.Association.Hidden( 'Itemtype', backref='progeny')
   own_features = o2r.Collection( 'Feature', backref='root_itemtype')

class Feature( o2r.Base):
   name = Text() 
   dependents = o2r.Association.Hidden( 'Feature',

class FeatureDependency( o2r.Base):
    dependent = o2r.Reference( Feature,
    determinant = o2r.Reference( Feature,

#eo model... 

import sqlalchemy,sys
meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData( sqlalchemy.create_engine('sqlite:///', 
       echo= 'echo' in sys.argv ))
# map attr-types to sa-column-types
fieldtypemap = {
    Text: dict( type= sqlalchemy.String(100), ),

mybuild = o2r.Builder( meta,
   locals(), #just scan anything here that looks like subclass of Base
   generator =True #how this would look in plain sqlalchemy

if mybuild.generator:
    print '========= generated SA set-up'
    print mybuild.generator.out
    print '========= eo generated SA set-up'

thats it. u can run it and see generated sa-tables, sa-mappers etc.
or just go ahead with actual usage. if u use the QueryX replacement, 
u can use the references, collections and associations in same way 
(a.somerel == c), even via filter_by, and use plain python funcs like 
lambda self: self.dependent.name.startswith('a') as .filter()s...
and noone will notice if u change a 1:m or m:1 into m2m somewhere in 
the model.
i still can't get why noone's using it. maybe it's too easy... and 
cannot see the cogwheels.

> I will eventually need to wade into the waters of stricter 
> type checking and conversion on my tables, and that will get me
> into a lot of similar concerns but hopefully not as deeply!
type checking/conversion has nothing to do with dbcook, it's a 
separate layer, which has/needs its own dbcook-reflector.

have fun, and sorry for the spam

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