exactly, the declarative layer is "syntax" sugar, i.e. "shorter way to 
say same thing", same as elixir and dbcook - they just differ in how 
many things each one automates/hides.
after that, i.e. after mappers compiled, it's all plain SA - sessions, 
queries etc...
i dont know about elixir, although dbcook does have some extra 
conveniences around query and overall model'metadata, they do not 
change the overall idea - it's another "shorter way to say same 


On Friday 19 December 2008 12:02:07 King Simon-NFHD78 wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
> > [mailto:sqlalch...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Andreas Jung
> > Sent: 19 December 2008 06:30
> > To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
> > Subject: [sqlalchemy] Re: Efficient dictificationof result sets
> >
> > On 19.12.2008 2:57 Uhr, Michael Bayer wrote:
> > > On Dec 18, 2008, at 3:04 PM, Andreas Jung wrote:
> > >> Does SA contain some official API to introspect the list of
> > >> defined synonyms for a particular class? The goal is to take
> > >> values defined as a
> > >> synonym also into account for the dictification (for backward
> > >> compatiblity reasons for an existing codebase).
> > >
> > > the mapper's get_property() method includes a
> > > "resolve_synonyms" keyword arg that indicates a given key which
> > > points to a synonym should return the actual referenced
> > > property, so a recipe
> >
> > that builds
> >
> > > upon this would look like:
> > >
> > > set([mapper.get_property(p.key, resolve_synonyms=True) for p in
> > > mapper.iterate_properties])
> >
> > However this does not apply when using the declarative layer. Any
> > options within such a context?
> >
> > Andreas
> I haven't been following this discussion closely, so I'm probably
> wrong, but that statement doesn't sound right to me. As far as I'm
> aware, the declarative layer is just a convenience for setting up
> Tables and mapped classes at the same time. The end result is
> exactly the same as if you created the tables and classes in the
> traditional way. I would be very surprised if the above expression
> didn't work.
> You can get the mapper for a mapped class or object using the
> "class_mapper" and "object_mapper" functions.
> Hope that helps,
> Simon

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