> > his answer here:
> http://groups.google.com/group/pyodbc/browse_thread/thread/320eab14f6f8830f

You say in that thread that you're already turning off the setting by

   import pyodbc
   pyodbc.pooling = False

before you ever open an SQLAlchemy connection.

Is that still the case? That would imply that the connection is being held
open by SQLAlchemy, not the ODBC connection pooling. So Mike's original
advice about using the NullPool should close the connections when you're
done with them -- did that work for you?

Mike / Jason: Wasn't there also some sort of "verify connection" feature
that was added in the 0.5 series that would issue a do-nothing query on a
connection when it was checked out from a pool just to make sure the
connection was still working?

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