Thank you, that's simpler than my attempts, for sure!

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Roger Demetrescu
<> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 11:39, Gregg Lind <> wrote:
>> How does one create a TypeDecorator to export and import JSON to a
>> database using SA?
> I did something like that recently:
> -----------------
> from sqlalchemy import types
> import simplejson
> class JsonString(types.TypeDecorator):
>    impl = types.String
>    def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
>        if value is None:
>            return None
>        else:
>            return simplejson.loads(value)
>    def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
>        if value is None:
>            return None
>        else:
>            return simplejson.dumps(value)
> -----------------
> []s
> Roger
> >

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