On Feb 27, 2009, at 11:24 PM, eLuke wrote:

> I have a simple model/class named "Comment" with columns "id" (int),
> "comment" (text), and "postdate" (datetime).
> Below are the main bits of the python code I'm using to test how I
> should handle this:
> # json from the client's browser
> json = r'{"id":1,"postdate":"Sat Jan 31 2009 22:18:15 GMT-0500
> (Eastern Standard Time)","comment":"Comment text."}'
> # create comment instance
> comment = model.Comment()
> # decode json to python object (dict)
> json_obj = simplejson.loads(json)
> # ???
> So now I have "json_obj" as a python dict object with key/value
> pairs... and I need to somehow get this into:
> comment.id
> comment.comment
> comment.postdate
> I've searched and searched and have only found one good example piece
> of code that I may be able to use to at least handle the parsing/
> generation of the datetime type from a javascript Date string; but,
> I'm still stuck on how to iterate over the dict keys and do an
> assignment to the properties in the "comment" object instance in a way
> that's reusable for other model classes.

A method like this would work:

def from_json(self, json):
     json_obj = simplejson.loads(json)
     for k, v in json_obj.values():
         setattr(self, k, v)

if you're concerned about dates you can use a date-based TypeDecorator  
which can receive a fully qualified datestring as an argument.   Or  
use descriptors on your mapped classes (i.e. date = property(def  
get_date()/def set_date()))

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