we have ticket 785 for this:


On Feb 26, 2009, at 4:45 PM, phrrn...@googlemail.com wrote:

> Thanks Michael. I have a sybase.py passing *some* unit tests with both
> pyodbc and the Sybase driver, both running on Solaris 10 x86 against
> ASE 15. This is a hack that seems to work for the Sybase DBAPI module.
> I do have access to lots and lots of different Sybase stuff so I will
> start from your patched version and reintegrate my schema
> introspection and other stuff. Do you have a ticket open for the
> sybase driver yet? Where should I send the patches?
> pjjH
>    def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None,
> **kwargs):
>        if self.paramstyle == 'named':
>            #prepend the arguments with an '@'
>            hacked_args = dict(("@"+n, v) for n,v in parameters.items
> ())
>            super(SybaseSQLDialect_Sybase, self).do_execute(cursor,
> statement, hacked_args, context=context, **kwargs)
>        else:
>            super(SybaseSQLDialect_Sybase, self).do_execute(cursor,
> statement, parameters, context=context, **kwargs)
>    def create_connect_args(self, url):
>        opts = url.translate_connect_args()
>        opts.update(url.query)
>        self.autocommit = False
>        if 'autocommit' in opts:
>            self.autocommit = bool(int(opts.pop('autocommit')))
>        dictArgs = {
>            'datetime'    : 'python',        # Stop the annoying
> diagnostics from the module
>            'auto_commit' : self.autocommit, # the named argument is
> called 'auto_commit' rather than 'autocommit'
>            }
>        if 'database' in opts:
>            dictArgs['database'] = opts['database']
>        return ([opts['host'], opts['username'], opts['password']],
> dictArgs)
> On Feb 26, 4:30 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 26, 2009, at 3:55 PM, phrrn...@googlemail.com wrote:
>>> I am doing some work on a SA engine for Sybase Adaptive Server
>>> Enterprise (ASE) on top of both pyodbc and the Sybase DB-API driver.
>>> The existing sybase engine for SA only works with Sybase Anywhere
>>> (ASA).
>> that is correct ; I've recently had to take a look at this driver and
>> realized that it was not really written for Sybase at all, and the
>> original author is whereabouts unknown.   To that end I would like it
>> to be replaced with an actual Sybase driver.
>>> There is a problem with named parameters with the Sybase driver in
>>> that the placeholders are prepended with an '@' *and* the execute
>>> method expects any dict paramers to have have keys that also have an
>>> '@'. I was able  to get the placeholders generated correctly by
>>> subclassing the compiler. Any suggestions on how to get the execute
>>> method to work nicely or do I have to do some much around with  
>>> copying
>>> parameters or monkeypatching the Sybase module with an  
>>> implementation
>>> of execute that will work with 'ordinary' dictionaries?
>> the attached patch, which represents my partial progress, addresses
>> this.  Unfortuantely I was not able to continue since I was  
>> developing
>> from a Mac to a development server, and it turns out that connecting
>> with the Sybase driver using FreeTDS renders bind parameters
>> inoperable.  After several days of attempting to get the developer
>> edition of sybase ASE running in a virtual linux environment
>> (apparently only works on older versions of ubuntu/fedora, but even
>> after installing those, I was unsuccessful), I gave up.
>> If you have access to a working Sybase ASE environment, you can have
>> full reign over the sybase.py dialect - anything specific to SQL
>> Anywhere can be removed, since its an obsolete product and if it were
>> supported, it would be in its own dialect.     The Sybase driver may
>> be targeted towards the 0.6 release of SQLAlchemy.  Version 0.6 is
>> oriented around a dialect refactor and schema expression refactor
>> (there are no ORM changes) and would be a much better place to start
>> building out new drivers - there are some significant differences in
>> how dialects are constructed between 0.5 versus 0.6.
>> sybase.patch
>> 12KViewDownload
> >

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