> How does one deal with driver-specific unit tests? I am running in
> difficulties in testing the pyodbc and python-sybase drivers for the
> sybase dialect. For example, test_raw_qmark works  with the pyodbc
> driver (as it supports that style) but not with the python-sybase
> driver. Is there some decorator available that can help with skipping
> certain tests for a given DBABI driver. Any suggestions on how to
> handle this?

most tests make usage of decorators like @testing.fails_on to mark various
databases as unsupported.  That test in particular is very specific to
certain DBAPIs, i.e. those that support "qmark" bind parameters.  For the
"lesser" databases like MSSQL and Firebird, i.e. those which have lots of
missing features, hundreds of decorators are configured to exclude them.  
You would have a similar task in the case of sybase.

But to be specific regarding pyodbc vs. python-sybase, that is exactly
what's addressed in SQLA 0.6.  If you look there you'll see the decorators
can differentiate among multiple DBAPIs for the same dialect, i.e.
sybase+pyodbc vs. sybase+python-sybase in this case.  There is also a
coherent non-guesswork system of using specific drivers.

just so you know we'd really like SQLA 0.6 to be released soon after
pycon.   There's not that much work to be done on it for a release.  The
only reason its a "major" number is because the API for dialects does
change considerably.

> pjjH
> On Feb 26, 5:31 pm, Michael Bayer <> wrote:
>> we have ticket 785 for this:
>> On Feb 26, 2009, at 4:45 PM, wrote:
>> > Thanks Michael. I have a passing *some* unit tests with both
>> > pyodbc and the Sybase driver, both running on Solaris 10 x86 against
>> > ASE 15. This is a hack that seems to work for the Sybase DBAPI module.
>> > I do have access to lots and lots of different Sybase stuff so I will
>> > start from your patched version and reintegrate my schema
>> > introspection and other stuff. Do you have a ticket open for the
>> > sybase driver yet? Where should I send the patches?
>> > pjjH
>> >    def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None,
>> > **kwargs):
>> >        if self.paramstyle == 'named':
>> >            #prepend the arguments with an '@'
>> >            hacked_args = dict(("@"+n, v) for n,v in parameters.items
>> > ())
>> >            super(SybaseSQLDialect_Sybase, self).do_execute(cursor,
>> > statement, hacked_args, context=context, **kwargs)
>> >        else:
>> >            super(SybaseSQLDialect_Sybase, self).do_execute(cursor,
>> > statement, parameters, context=context, **kwargs)
>> >    def create_connect_args(self, url):
>> >        opts = url.translate_connect_args()
>> >        opts.update(url.query)
>> >        self.autocommit = False
>> >        if 'autocommit' in opts:
>> >            self.autocommit = bool(int(opts.pop('autocommit')))
>> >        dictArgs = {
>> >            'datetime'    : 'python',        # Stop the annoying
>> > diagnostics from the module
>> >            'auto_commit' : self.autocommit, # the named argument is
>> > called 'auto_commit' rather than 'autocommit'
>> >            }
>> >        if 'database' in opts:
>> >            dictArgs['database'] = opts['database']
>> >        return ([opts['host'], opts['username'], opts['password']],
>> > dictArgs)
>> > On Feb 26, 4:30 pm, Michael Bayer <> wrote:
>> >> On Feb 26, 2009, at 3:55 PM, wrote:
>> >>> I am doing some work on a SA engine for Sybase Adaptive Server
>> >>> Enterprise (ASE) on top of both pyodbc and the Sybase DB-API driver.
>> >>> The existing sybase engine for SA only works with Sybase Anywhere
>> >>> (ASA).
>> >> that is correct ; I've recently had to take a look at this driver and
>> >> realized that it was not really written for Sybase at all, and the
>> >> original author is whereabouts unknown.   To that end I would like it
>> >> to be replaced with an actual Sybase driver.
>> >>> There is a problem with named parameters with the Sybase driver in
>> >>> that the placeholders are prepended with an '@' *and* the execute
>> >>> method expects any dict paramers to have have keys that also have an
>> >>> '@'. I was able  to get the placeholders generated correctly by
>> >>> subclassing the compiler. Any suggestions on how to get the execute
>> >>> method to work nicely or do I have to do some much around with
>> >>> copying
>> >>> parameters or monkeypatching the Sybase module with an
>> >>> implementation
>> >>> of execute that will work with 'ordinary' dictionaries?
>> >> the attached patch, which represents my partial progress, addresses
>> >> this.  Unfortuantely I was not able to continue since I was
>> >> developing
>> >> from a Mac to a development server, and it turns out that connecting
>> >> with the Sybase driver using FreeTDS renders bind parameters
>> >> inoperable.  After several days of attempting to get the developer
>> >> edition of sybase ASE running in a virtual linux environment
>> >> (apparently only works on older versions of ubuntu/fedora, but even
>> >> after installing those, I was unsuccessful), I gave up.
>> >> If you have access to a working Sybase ASE environment, you can have
>> >> full reign over the dialect - anything specific to SQL
>> >> Anywhere can be removed, since its an obsolete product and if it were
>> >> supported, it would be in its own dialect.     The Sybase driver may
>> >> be targeted towards the 0.6 release of SQLAlchemy.  Version 0.6 is
>> >> oriented around a dialect refactor and schema expression refactor
>> >> (there are no ORM changes) and would be a much better place to start
>> >> building out new drivers - there are some significant differences in
>> >> how dialects are constructed between 0.5 versus 0.6.
>> >> sybase.patch
>> >> 12KViewDownload
> >

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