I think that the SQL Alchemy SchemaItem objects can be reasonably code-
generated from the schema. I don't feel the same way about the mapped
classes: the naming of classes and the naming of the various relations
is something that benefits from some thought and design, more than
seems practical from a code-generator.  I have a rough and ready tool
which is a SA wrapper over a centralized set of tables which contain
meta-data about *all* dataservers, databases, tables and columns. The
schema of the metadata tables is based on the signatures of the ODBC
catalog functions. My experience so far (based on a couple of months)
is that is *vastly* simpler to code-generate from a relational DB
representation of the metadata than it is to code-generate from the
catalog functions:  the SA model takes care of all the heavy lifting.

I am working on making the code usable with cog (http://
nedbatchelder.com/code/cog) and may make a public release of it at
some point.


mapper(Relation, tables, properties = {
    'attributes'             : relation(Attribute,  order_by = asc
    'primary_key'            : relation(_PrimaryKey, uselist=False), #
At most one PK is allowed.
    'indexes'                : relation(_Index),
    'foreign_keys'           : relation(_ForeignKey)

Here are the Chetah templates that code-generate the Tables,  some
stub classes and the mapper invocations.

$TABLE_NAME = Table('$TABLE_NAME', metadata,
#for $column in $attributes
    Column('$column.COLUMN_NAME', $column.as_alchemy_type_name,
nullable=#if $column.nullable#True#else#False#end if#),
#end for
    schema = '$TABLE_SCHEM'

#if $primary_key
                                                    #for e in
#end for
#end if

#for $fk in $foreign_keys
${TABLE_NAME}.append_constraint(ForeignKeyConstraint([#for e in
fk.elements#'$e.FKCOLUMN_NAME',#end for#],
#for e in fk.elements
#end for
#end for

## Some quasi-arbitrary rules:
## . We do not attempt to map tables unless they have a primary key.
## . We don't map tables that start with an underscore but instead
##   emit a comment to say that they have been ignored.
## . The class name is the CamelCase equivalent of the table
##   name. Again we assume that the CamelCase equivalent of the table
##   name is a valid Python identifier.

#if $primary_key
#unless $TABLE_NAME.startswith('_')
class $camelize($TABLE_NAME)(object):

mapper($camelize($TABLE_NAME), $TABLE_NAME)
# ignoring  [$TABLE_CAT].[$TABLE_SCHEM].[$TABLE_NAME] as it starts
with '_'
#end unless
# ignoring  [$TABLE_CAT].[$TABLE_SCHEM].[$TABLE_NAME] as a primary key
is not defined for it.
#end if

# This is what the command-line driver looks like

    q = session.query(Relation)
    if (options.dataservers):
        q = q.filter(Relation.dataserver.in_(options.dataservers))

    if (options.databases):
        q = q.filter(Relation.TABLE_CAT.in_(options.databases))

    if (options.schemas):
        q = q.filter(Relation.TABLE_SCHEM.in_

    if (options.tables):
        q = q.filter(Relation.TABLE_NAME.like(options.tables[0])) #
XXX: figure out way of passing in multiple patterns

    # This restricts the query to look at samples with the largest
    # (i.e. most recent) timestamp. XXX: this may change as I am not
    # sure how to deal with time/history for this application.

    q = q.join((Sample, and_(Relation.dataserver == Sample.dataserver,
                             Relation.TABLE_CAT  ==
                             Relation.ts         == Sample.ts)))
    for f in options.templates:
        for t in q.order_by(desc(Relation.TABLE_NAME)):
            template = Template(file=f, searchList=[t,{'camelize':
            print template

On Feb 27, 10:45 am, "Michael Bayer" <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> Piotrek Byzia wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I bet that not only me is bored by having to write manually all the SA
> > mappings and class definitions.
> there's a tool out there somewhere called "autocode" that does something
> like this.
> But I never get bored writing mapped classes.  That's the domain model for
> my application, and beyond database enabled attributes they have all sorts
> of behaviors and constraints that are specific to my application's
> in-python behavior.   So I'm not familiar with this issue of wanting the
> application to be written "automatically".
> If all you need are objects representing tables, that's what Table objects
> are for.  They do generate from a database automatically.
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