On Mar 2, 2009, at 2:16 PM, John Fries wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am having a problem that is identical to the one mentioned last  
> year on this list:
> http://groups.google.com/group/sqlalchemy/browse_thread/thread/efd3993c94c8d162/37943cda02151f2b?lnk=gst&q=onupdate+inheritance#37943cda02151f2b
> I have Engineer and Manager tables that are inheriting from an  
> Employee table using joined table inheritance.  When I update one of  
> the child tables, I want the last_edited timestamp column on the  
> Employee table to be updated as well, but it is not updating.  Mr.  
> Bayer proposes the following:
> """
> from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper as _mapper
> from sqlalchemy.orm import MapperExtension
> class MyExt(MapperExtension):
>      def before_update(self, mapper, connection, instance):
>          if hasattr(instance, '__before_update__'):
>              instance.__before_update__()
> def mapper(*args, **kw):
>      kw['extension'] = MyExt()
>      return _mapper(*args, **kw)
> just hide that code away someplace, and then any instance which
> defines a method called __before_update__() will have it called before
> update.
> """
> I've done that step, but I don't understand what the next step is.   
> I thought that I would have to implement a __before_update__ method  
> on my Engineer and Manager classes, which would then call some  
> method on Employee using super.  However, when I update my Engineer,  
> it doesn't even look like the __before_update__ method is being  
> called.  So I conclude that I'm doing it wrong.    Which instances  
> should implement a __before_update__ method?  What should the  
> __before_update__ method do?

just implement def __before_update__() on your base Employee class.    
this method should set the last_edited attribute to a new value (note  
you can set it to "func.now()" to have a SQL function fire off).    
Engineer and Manager will have the method automatically via class  
inheritance.   Also make sure you are using the modfied mapper()  
function to create your mappers.

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