
thanks :)
btw, love SA, one of the reasons i use pylons when I can and not


On Mar 19, 4:00 pm, Michael Bayer <> wrote:
> On Mar 19, 2009, at 10:39 AM, Martin wrote:
> > I dont see it, especially since from the docs:
> > When given an instance, it follows these steps:
> >        * It examines the primary key of the instance. If it’s
> > present, it attempts to load an instance with that primary key (or
> > pulls from the local identity map).
> > the instances are in the session and have just been loaded, thus IDs
> > exist, thus itll just load the same damn thing?
> > Or I'd have to reset all ID values to None over the whole tree? which
> > brings me back to where I started, how to deep clone a full SA object
> > tree, which is in session, but do it in a fashion that respects
> > ForeignKeys, UNIQUE contraints, and lets me specify properties, that
> > should not be set
> i meant, look at how merge() works and copy it.
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