I've been a little busy lately so we're a month off on this one, but  
there's a trove of bugfixes in this one, largely related to new  
features that are specific to the 0.5 series, as well as some  
behavioral enhancements to Query and declarative - read the changelog  
for details.  I'm hammering on this release quite fiercely for a real  
project right now (which has driven a good chunk of the fixes) so it  
has my seal of approval.

Download SQLAlchemy 0.5.3 at:  http://www.sqlalchemy.org/download.html .

- orm
     - The "objects" argument to session.flush() is deprecated.
       State which represents the linkage between a parent and
       child object does not support "flushed" status on
       one side of the link and not the other, so supporting
       this operation leads to misleading results.

     - Query now implements __clause_element__() which produces
       its selectable, which means a Query instance can be accepted
       in many SQL expressions, including col.in_(query),
       union(query1, query2), select([foo]).select_from(query),

     - Query.join() can now construct multiple FROM clauses, if
       needed.  Such as, query(A, B).join(A.x).join(B.y)
       might say SELECT A.*, B.* FROM A JOIN X, B JOIN Y.
       Eager loading can also tack its joins onto those
       multiple FROM clauses.  [ticket:1337]

     - Fixed bug in dynamic_loader() where append/remove events
       after construction time were not being propagated to the
       UOW to pick up on flush(). [ticket:1347]

     - Fixed bug where column_prefix wasn't being checked before
       not mapping an attribute that already had class-level
       name present.

     - a session.expire() on a particular collection attribute
       will clear any pending backref additions as well, so that
       the next access correctly returns only what was present
       in the database.  Presents some degree of a workaround for
       [ticket:1315], although we are considering removing the
       flush([objects]) feature altogether.

     - Session.scalar() now converts raw SQL strings to text()
       the same way Session.execute() does and accepts same
       alternative **kw args.

     - improvements to the "determine direction" logic of
       relation() such that the direction of tricky situations
       like mapper(A.join(B)) -> relation-> mapper(B) can be

     - When flushing partial sets of objects using  
       pending objects which remain pending after the operation won't
       inadvertently be added as persistent. [ticket:1306]

     - Added "post_configure_attribute" method to  
       so that the "listen_for_events.py" example works again.

     - a forward and complementing backwards reference which are both
       of the same direction, i.e. ONETOMANY or MANYTOONE,
       is now detected, and an error message is raised.
       Saves crazy CircularDependencyErrors later on.

     - Fixed bugs in Query regarding simultaneous selection of
       multiple joined-table inheritance entities with common base

       - previously the adaption applied to "B" on
         "A JOIN B" would be erroneously partially applied
         to "A".

       - comparisons on relations (i.e. A.related==someb)
         were not getting adapted when they should.

       - Other filterings, like
         query(A).join(A.bs).filter(B.foo=='bar'), were erroneously
         adapting "B.foo" as though it were an "A".

      - Fixed adaptation of EXISTS clauses via any(), has(), etc.
        in conjunction with an aliased object on the left and
        of_type() on the right.  [ticket:1325]

      - Added an attribute helper method ``set_committed_value`` in
        sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.  Given an object, attribute name,
        and value, will set the value on the object as part of its
        "committed" state, i.e. state that is understood to have
        been loaded from the database.   Helps with the creation of
        homegrown collection loaders and such.

      - Query won't fail with weakref error when a non-mapper/class
        instrumented descriptor is passed, raises
        "Invalid column expession".

      - Query.group_by() properly takes into account aliasing applied
        to the FROM clause, such as with select_from(), using
        with_polymorphic(), or using from_self().

- sql
     - An alias() of a select() will convert to a "scalar subquery"
       when used in an unambiguously scalar context, i.e. it's used
       in a comparison operation.  This applies to
       the ORM when using query.subquery() as well.

     - Fixed missing _label attribute on Function object, others
       when used in a select() with use_labels (such as when used
       in an ORM column_property()).  [ticket:1302]

     - anonymous alias names now truncate down to the max length
       allowed by the dialect.  More significant on DBs like
       Oracle with very small character limits. [ticket:1309]

     - the __selectable__() interface has been replaced entirely
       by __clause_element__().

     - The per-dialect cache used by TypeEngine to cache
       dialect-specific types is now a WeakKeyDictionary.
       This to prevent dialect objects from
       being referenced forever for an application that
       creates an arbitrarily large number of engines
       or dialects.   There is a small performance penalty
       which will be resolved in 0.6.  [ticket:1299]

- sqlite
     - Fixed SQLite reflection methods so that non-present
       cursor.description, which triggers an auto-cursor
       close, will be detected so that no results doesn't
       fail on recent versions of pysqlite which raise
       an error when fetchone() called with no rows present.

- postgres
     - Index reflection won't fail when an index with
       multiple expressions is encountered.

     - Added PGUuid and PGBit types to
       sqlalchemy.databases.postgres. [ticket:1327]

     - Refection of unknown PG types won't crash when those
       types are specified within a domain.  [ticket:1327]

- mssql
     - Preliminary support for pymssql 1.0.1

     - Corrected issue on mssql where max_identifier_length was
       not being respected.

- extensions

     - Fixed a recursive pickling issue in serializer, triggered
       by an EXISTS or other embedded FROM construct.

     - Declarative locates the "inherits" class using a search
       through __bases__, to skip over mixins that are local
       to subclasses.

     - Declarative figures out joined-table inheritance primary join
       condition even if "inherits" mapper argument is given

     - Declarative will properly interpret the "foreign_keys" argument
       on a backref() if it's a string.

     - Declarative will accept a table-bound column as a property
       when used in conjunction with __table__, if the column is already
       present in __table__.  The column will be remapped to the given
       key the same way as when added to the mapper() properties dict.

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