Hi all,
in my application I have a "logical deletion" system so that every
table has a "logically_deleted" flag to be used instead of physical
deletion. It works fairly well but I'm still missing something: when I
remove an element from a relation I'd like to be able to mark that
element as "logically_deleted" too, is there a way to ask SQLAlchemy
about that element?
For example, in a simple one-to-many all-cascaded relation between
classes A and B:

b1 = B()
b2 = B()
a1 = A()
a1.children = [b1, b2]

Now, if later I remove b2 from the "children" collection, can I ask
SQLA about it? That is, about a1's orphans?
(Please note that the application never removes b2 explicitly, it just
changes a1.children)

Many thanks!

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