you can use echo=True to metadata and/or logging to some extent.
there was also some recipe about how to print some query's actual sql 
without issuing it, see recipes section at the site.
but i'm not sure u can really do all you want without having a 
responding DB-api (which will at some point require a server). 
try, YMMV.


On Tuesday 31 March 2009 22:24:16 Yassen Damyanov wrote:
> Max,
> I am an SA newbie so you should not take my words too seriously.
> So here's what I think:
> First, the only way to know and be sure that your code runs fine is
> to run it against a real database server. MySQL is not that hard to
> set up. (If you need help for that, let me know, I can help.)
> Second, if you mean that you want to generate the DDL (the tables
> creation statements), then how about having SA run against a real
> MySQL server and logging the SQL activity? (I guess this may sound
> ugly but it will work with sure.)
> If you want to generate anything more than simply DDL, it looks to
> me that a different approach will do a better job.
> (Advice from real experts is more than appreciated.)
> Yassen
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Maxim Khitrov <> 
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I'm working on a project for which I need to create sql files
> > (the sort that you get from a database dump) without actually
> > connecting to any database. The resulting code must be compatible
> > with MySQL.
> >
> > My first inclination was to write a bunch of functions that
> > contain sql code templates and substitute dynamic values where
> > needed. I then came across SQLAlchemy and wanted to see if could
> > use it to make this task a little easier.
> >
> > So far I've been reading the documentation on meta data and
> > running some tests. My guess is that I need to define the
> > statements and compile them with MySQLDialect. This, however,
> > doesn't seem to be working. I tried calling compile on a Table
> > object with dialect set to MySQLDialect(). When the result is
> > printed there is nothing there (probably because I have no idea
> > what I'm doing :)).
> >
> > Can anyone provide some tips on whether what I'm trying to do is
> > possible, and if so, what is the best way to go about it?
> > Basically, the output files will be a combination of create
> > database, create table, insert, and update statements. I should
> > also mention that I'm using Python 2.6 on Windows. The latest
> > stable MySQL-Python extension doesn't support 2.6, and there
> > doesn't seem to be a test version available for Windows.
> >
> > Even if the database API was available, there is no database for
> > me to connect to. The goal is to generate these files on the
> > local machine without depending on any external resources.
> > Eventually, it may be possible to execute this code directly on
> > the database server, which is why I think using SQLAlchemy from
> > the beginning would make that transition much easier. Thanks for
> > any help.
> >
> > - Max

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