Thanks Laurent,

It solves the problem!

Best Regards,

On Apr 6, 6:23 pm, Laurent Rahuel <> wrote:
> Hi,
> As you are defining Country when you use it within your relation, you
> need to define your relation like this :
> parent = relation("Country", backref=backref('child'), cascade="all")
> Note the quotes around Country.
> Regards,
> Laurent
> Cedric a écrit :
> > Hi,
> > I'm trying to migrate my TurboGears project from SQLObject to
> > SQLAlchemy. As the TurboGears2 way of using SQLAlchemy is the
> > DeclarativeBase, I'm trying to achive a self-referential using the
> > DeclarativeBase. Following the documentation, it seems that the
> > following code "could" be correct (after a translation from the Base
> > example), but in fact, it complains that the "Country" name is not
> > defined...
> > File "/is2dev/dev/model/", line 47, in Country parent =
> > relation(Country, backref=backref('child'), cascade="all")
> > NameError: name 'Country' is not defined
> > I just try to make a tree with the world > continents > regions >
> > countries.
> > class Country(DeclarativeBase):
> >     """
> >     Country with iso and related region
> >     """
> >     __tablename__ = 'countries'
> >     #{ Columns
> >     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
> >     name = Column(Unicode(100), nullable=False)
> >     iso = Column(Unicode(3), nullable=False)
> >     created = Column(DateTime(),,
> > nullable=False)
> >     updated = Column(DateTime(), nullable=True)
> >     #{ Relations
> >     parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''),
> > nullable=True)
> >     parent = relation(Country, backref=backref('child'),
> > cascade="all")
> >     #{ Special methods
> >     #}
> > Thanks for your help...
> > Regards
> > Cédric
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