Daniel wrote:
> On mssql, when I run the query, either calling it by name or calling
> EXEC and then the procedure name, it returns the result.  The problem
> is that if I try to call result.fetchall(), it give this error:
> ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) Attempt to use a closed cursor.
> None None
> I know that when I execute the query in the MSSQL environment it
> returns a result set, but sqlalchemy doesn't seem to get the result
> set.

its again a DBAPI interaction issue which either some of the MSSQL folks
here could chime in to help with or if you could figure out how to get
what you want from a raw pyodbc connection....

> On May 8, 10:46 am, "Michael Bayer" <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>> Daniel wrote:
>> > Thanks Michael,
>> > When I try that it produces this SQL
>> > SELECT claim_highest_priority_work() AS claim_highest_priority_work_1
>> > and this error
>> > 'claim_highest_priority_work' is not a recognized built-in function
>> > name.
>> this is more of an MSSQL "how to" issue then.   on most databases,
>> running
>> a function and returning results looks like "SELECT function()".  On
>> oracle, its "SELECT function() FROM DUAL".   What is it on MSSQL ?
>> > On May 8, 10:20 am, "Michael Bayer" <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>> >> Daniel wrote:
>> >> > Hello,
>> >> > I've created a stored procedure in MSSQL.  I'm not sure how to use
>> it
>> >> > in SQLAlchemy.  The stored procedure is called
>> >> > 'claim_highest_priority_work' and I can call it directly as
>> follows:
>> >> > result = conn.execute('claim_highest_priority_work')
>> >> > I know it runs because I see the result in the database, but I'm
>> not
>> >> > sure how to access the return values?  They exactly match one of
>> the
>> >> > tables I've defined.
>> >> > What's the right way to map/execute a stored procedure and
>> >> > subsequently access what it returns?
>> >> you probably want to select from it.  an expression construct which
>> >> achieves this would be:
>> >> select([func.claim_highest_priority_work()])
> >

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