I spent a while on converting the ASA dialect to run on ASE via pyodbc
and python Sybase on top of both 12.5.x and 15.x. It was interesting
but in hindsight I wish I had started from scratch as I burned a lot
of time on some very low-level (and ultimately uninteresting) issues
with unicode, FreeTDS, Sybase ct-lib messages etc. etc.

The code is in sybase.py in http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/785
and definitely has bugs/missing features. However, it does generate
prepared statements correctly with placeholders, executes them with
bind values and so on. I think that this is working for both pyodbc
over FreeTDS and the Sybase driver over ct-lib. I am lobbying with my
management to allocate some of my time for developing an ASE backend
targets at SA 0.6 .. the layout of the 0.6 code should make things a
lot simpler and cut down on the cut-and-paste between the dialects
+driver pairs.


On Jun 30, 10:01 am, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> On Jun 30, 2009, at 12:09 AM, Vishakh wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am modifying Alexander Houben's Sybase module in order to get
> > SQLAlchemy working with Sybase Adaptive Server Enteprise. I am using
> > Python 2.6, Pylons and Sybase OCS 12.5, with both mxODBC and pyodbc.
> > So far, I have had some success with reflecting tables and issuing
> > basic queries. However, when I filter my queries, integer values are
> > quoted and this causes an error with Sybase since it doesn't support
> > implicit conversions from varchar to int. Could you please tell me
> > what change I would have to make in order to not quote integer values
> > in my modified module?
> SQLA doesn't quote values, it sends them along as bind parameters and  
> its up to the DBAPI to interpret them, which may involve rendering  
> them directly in the SQL statement with quoting (and also may  
> not).     So this issue would reside within the DBAPI in use.    Just  
> as a note, I made some attempts with the sybase dialect and I can say  
> that FreeTDS with sybase is not usable at all since it doesn't render  
> bind parameters correctly.   phrrn...@googlemail.com is also working  
> on a working ASE dialect so you might want to coordinate efforts.
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