well can you distill it into a small test case...it seems suspect that
"UPDATE" would break.  more likely is, __init__ doesn't work correctly or
perhaps history events fail.

phrrn...@googlemail.com wrote:
> I found the problem: it is with the instrumentation_finders stuff you
> helped us with months ago (see below). The problem can be reproduced
> with this:
> class DummyMapperExtension(MapperExtension):
>     pass
> mapper(ModelPresentValue, model_present_value,
> extension=DummyMapperExtension())
> If the instrumentation hook is put in and you use a mapper extension
> (even a dummy one) then the session update code stops working.
> instrumentation + mapper_extension => fail
> instrumentation only                        => works
> mapper_extension only                   => works
> I tried debugging the instrumentation_find stuff before but didn't
> make much progress. I will open up a ticket on trac (if there isn't
> one there already)
> pjjH
> # Set docstrings of attributes to the empty string, in order to avoid
> # ugly-looking stuff that would otherwise appear as default.
> class AttachNotesAsDocstring(interfaces.InstrumentationManager):
>     def instrument_attribute(self, class_, key, attr):
>         if isinstance(attr.property, properties.ColumnProperty):
>              if hasattr(attr.property.columns[0], 'info'):
>                  attr.__doc__ = attr.property.columns[0].info.get
> ('notes')
>              else:
>                  attr.__doc__ = ''
> # We get a weird error from SQLAlchemy when we have customized
> # instrumentation and try to cog a file:
> #
> #    AttributeError: 'ColumnProperty' object has no attribute
> 'strategy'
> #
> # As a workaround, we do not attempt to do any fancy instrumentation
> # if the cog module has been imported.
> if not 'cog' in sys.modules:
>     sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.instrumentation_finders.append(
>         lambda cls: AttachNotesAsDocstring)
> >

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