Cool. Thanks for taking a look at it.


On Jul 10, 4:02 pm, "Michael Bayer" <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > assembling the test was a good exercise as I can see that the problem
> > exists with 0.5.3  but not against 0.5.4p2 or a checked out copy of
> > svn.
> > I logged this ticket but more for reference/tracking than anything
> > else.
> >
> yah that had been resolved by 0.5.4 but in my poking around to understand
> it I found a not totally related bug related to pickling which I just
> fixed in r6100.
> > pjjH
> > On Jul 10, 1:14 pm, ""
> > <> wrote:
> >> Sure. I'll work on the distillation after lunch.  It is not that the
> >> UPDATE is broken, per se, it is more that update should not be called.
> >> The code below works OK on an empty database but fails on subsequent
> >> runs when pre-existing data is found.
> >> tmp = [
> >>     { 'md5id': 32, 'scenario': 100, 'value': 21. },
> >>     { 'md5id': 57, 'scenario': 200, 'value': -3. },
> >>     ]
> >> for i in tmp:
> >>     o = ModelPresentValue()
> >>     o.md5id    = i['md5id']
> >>     o.scenario = i['scenario']
> >>     o.value    = i['value']
> >>     session.merge(o)
> >> On Jul 10, 12:21 pm, "Michael Bayer" <> wrote:
> >> > well can you distill it into a small test seems suspect that
> >> > "UPDATE" would break.  more likely is, __init__ doesn't work correctly
> >> or
> >> > perhaps history events fail.
> >> > wrote:
> >> > > I found the problem: it is with the instrumentation_finders stuff
> >> you
> >> > > helped us with months ago (see below). The problem can be reproduced
> >> > > with this:
> >> > > class DummyMapperExtension(MapperExtension):
> >> > >     pass
> >> > > mapper(ModelPresentValue, model_present_value,
> >> > > extension=DummyMapperExtension())
> >> > > If the instrumentation hook is put in and you use a mapper extension
> >> > > (even a dummy one) then the session update code stops working.
> >> > > instrumentation + mapper_extension => fail
> >> > > instrumentation only                        => works
> >> > > mapper_extension only                   => works
> >> > > I tried debugging the instrumentation_find stuff before but didn't
> >> > > make much progress. I will open up a ticket on trac (if there isn't
> >> > > one there already)
> >> > > pjjH
> >> > > # Set docstrings of attributes to the empty string, in order to
> >> avoid
> >> > > # ugly-looking stuff that would otherwise appear as default.
> >> > > class AttachNotesAsDocstring(interfaces.InstrumentationManager):
> >> > >     def instrument_attribute(self, class_, key, attr):
> >> > >         if isinstance(, properties.ColumnProperty):
> >> > >              if hasattr([0], 'info'):
> >> > >                  attr.__doc__ =[0].info.get
> >> > > ('notes')
> >> > >              else:
> >> > >                  attr.__doc__ = ''
> >> > > # We get a weird error from SQLAlchemy when we have customized
> >> > > # instrumentation and try to cog a file:
> >> > > #
> >> > > #    AttributeError: 'ColumnProperty' object has no attribute
> >> > > 'strategy'
> >> > > #
> >> > > # As a workaround, we do not attempt to do any fancy instrumentation
> >> > > # if the cog module has been imported.
> >> > > if not 'cog' in sys.modules:
> >> > >     sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.instrumentation_finders.append(
> >> > >         lambda cls: AttachNotesAsDocstring)
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