it is news to me that SQLAlchemy's table reflection code would even read a
SQLite "view" (and that sqlite had views, actually).    Make sure your
view defines character based fields as "VARCHAR", "CHAR" or similar.  
note that SQLite has a very casual notion of types so you can make up any
type names that you want.  NUMERIC, DECIMAL, and REAL will reflect as a
SQLAlchemy Numeric, a type that by default returns python decimal values.

guruofgentoo wrote:
> In SQLite, I have a db view which selects from a second db view.  When
> accessing this view as a sqlalchemy Table with autoload, the fields
> are being treated as Decimal.  This raises an InvalidOperation
> exception when I attempt to access a varchar value.
> When I have a view selecting from table fields (tables created with
> sqlalchemy) instead of another view, this problem does not occur.  Why
> is the type information being lost in multiple layers of views?
> >

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