I can't figure quit figure this out.

In an FB admin tool I can do:
select * from "T"('some text orig', 'wbruhin');
execute procedure "T"('some text orig', 'wbruhin');

And they return:
a varchar "some text orig auf Deutsch"

The following runs without error:
me = session.query(db.Users).get(1)
cur = engine.raw_connection().cursor()
result = cur.callproc('t', ('some text orig', me.name))

but result just contains "('some text orig', me.name)"

What is the correct way to run a stored procedure with Firebird and SA?

And could I define a stored procedure in a mapper, to create an
additional column, i.e. something like the above in a mapper, i.e.:

class Sample(Base):
    __table__ = sa.Table(u'sample', metadata,
    sa.Column(u'id', sa.Integer(), sa.Sequence('gen_sample_id'),
primary_key=True, nullable=False),
    sa.Column(u'name', sa.String(length=256, convert_unicode=False)),
    'name_trans': column_property(
            select([func.t(sample_table.c.name, me.name)]).

Thanks for any hints.

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