Now we are getting into areas beyond my SA understanding. Here is my test
with scoped_session that shows in version 0.5.5 that session.extension is
available and modifiable, don't know if it gets called but that would be
pretty easy to check. You might want to try the same test.

>>> import sqlalchemy
>>> print sqlalchemy.__version__
>>> from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session,
>>> class MyExtension(SessionExtension): pass
>>> Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=MyExtension()))
>>> session = Session()
>>> print session.extensions
[<__main__.MyExtension object at 0x00FED090>]
>>> Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker())
>>> session = Session()
>>> print session.extensions
>>> session.extensions = [MyExtension()]
>>> print session.extensions
[<__main__.MyExtension object at 0x00FF50D0>]
>>> Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker())
>>> session = Session()
>>> print session.extensions
>>> session.extensions.append(MyExtension())
>>> print session.extensions
[<__main__.MyExtension object at 0x01000130>]

Mike Conley

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