Thanks for the help, I'm still having problems but I'm closer.

Okay so I have taken the following steps:

1) Installed 0.6 from trunk.
2) Added echo='debug' to create_engine()

When I add tables to the database I always specify them as
schem.table_name as you mention.

The SQL statement that SQLAlchemy generates is like this:

SELECT table_name FROM all_tables WHERE nvl(tablespace_name, 'no
tablespace') NOT IN ('SYSTEM', 'SYSAUX') AND OWNER = :owner
2009-09-18 11:23:46,596 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...d60c
{'owner': 'SCHEM'}

This actually returns no results, therefore presents my problem.

However, when I run the following query on the database, I get the
desired tables:

SELECT table_name FROM all_tables WHERE owner = 'SCHEM';

How do you suppose I proceed?


On 18 Sep, 02:24, Michael Bayer <> wrote:
> On Sep 17, 2009, at 11:20 AM, tomolds wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have exactly the same schema in Postgresql, MySQL and Oracle.
> > I am reflecting the tables in my application using: self.meta.reflect
> > (bind=self.engine, schema='schem')
> > This works perfectly for MySQL and Postgresql but for Oracle I get no
> > tables reflected and cannot understand why. I can however run this
> > kind of query and get results with Oracle:
> >        outp = text('select l_name from schem.person',
> > bind=self.engine).execute()
> >        for i in outp:
> >            print i[0]
> > Can anyone either suggest what my problem might be or perhaps even
> > suggest a further test I can do to determine the problem.
> the first step would be to turn on echo='debug' on your create_engine
> ().   That will illustrate the queries SQLA is doing to locate the  
> table and the results it's getting back.
> I notice you're prefixing the table name with "schem", so you'd have  
> to specify this as the "schema" argument when constructing the Table  
> object.
> Also for Oracle you should defnitely be on SQLA version 0.5.6 at the  
> very least.   the trunk (which is 0.6) also has full test coverage for  
> oracle.
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