What does the second query report for tablespace_name? SYSTEM?

If so, you need to talk to your DBA about why the default tablespace for
your owner is SYSTEM. Normally the system is configured to have user tables
go somewhere else.

>From the SQLAlchemy side, the maintainers of databases/oracle.py might
consider removing SYSTEM, SYSAUX condition from the table_names query when
schema is provided. I'm not sure of side effects, but should be OK, because
table list will still be filtered by schema name.

You could experiment with this yourself to see if that is the issue and
submit a ticket

A crude experiment (no guarantees, this might break everything) is to do
this early in your script, some time before creating engine and reflecting
the tables.

import sqlalchemy.databases.oracle

def my_table_names(self, connection, schema):    # a modified version of
        # note that table_names() isnt loading DBLINKed or synonym'ed tables
        if schema is None:
            s = "select table_name from all_tables where
nvl(tablespace_name, 'no tablespace') NOT IN ('SYSTEM', 'SYSAUX')"
            cursor = connection.execute(s)
            # remove SYSTEM, SYSAUX tablespace filter from original query
            s = "select table_name from all_tables where OWNER = :owner"  #
removed SYSTEM tablespace filter
            cursor = connection.execute(s, {'owner':
        return [self._normalize_name(row[0]) for row in cursor]

sqlalchemy.databases.oracle.OracleDialect.table_name = my_table_names

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