> -----Original Message-----
> From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:sqlalch...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Crusty
> Sent: 23 September 2009 15:48
> To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [sqlalchemy] unexpected chained relations and 
> "append" behaviour
> Hello everyone,
> I have a realy simple model for you to consider:
> 1 car has n wheels
> car.wheels is a relation from cars to wheels
> wheel.car is a backref to cars
> 1 car has n parts
> car.parts is a relation from car to parts
> I just wondered why my app was really getting slow, turned on SA debug
> mode, and saw that
> my_new_doorknob = model.Part("doorknob")
> wheel.car.parts.append(my_new_door_knob)
> is downloading the entire "parts" table WHERE parts.car == car.id
> (that is around 20.000 entries) just so that it can append my new
> doorknob to that relation.
> Furthermore I noticed a similar behaviour when doing 
> something like this:
> amount_of_parts = len(car.parts)
> Instead of sending a COUNT to the database, it populates the entire
> car.parts relation (around 20.000 entries) just to get the count. Of
> course I could avoid using relations, and just use my __init__
> functions, or setting:
> my_new_doorknob = model.Part("doorknob")
> my_new_doorknob.car_id = car.id
> DBSession.append(my_new_doorknob)
> But then I could as well just write literal SQL if I cant use the "R"
> part of ORM...
> Has anyone observed similar behaviour or is this a "feature" and
> intended to work like this?
> Greetings, Tom

Yes, this is exactly how it is intended to work. You may like to read
tions for hints on how to improve performance. In particular, making
your car.parts property a 'dynamic' relation rather than the default
will prevent SA from loading the entire collection unless you
specifically ask it to.

However, the len(car.parts) line won't work. SA deliberately doesn't
implement the __len__ method for Query objects because it is called
implicitly by python in a number of situations, and running a
potentially slow query when you aren't expecting it is a bad idea.
Instead you would use car.parts.count().

Hope that helps,


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