Eric Lemoine wrote:
> Hi
> Here's my case: I have
> - my own TypeEngine class, MyTypeEngine
> - a Table with a Column using MyTypeEngine:
>   table = Table("tablename", metadata,
>       Column("columname", MyTypeEngine()),
>       autoload=True, autoload_with=engine
>   )
> - a class:
>   class MyClass(object):
>       pass
> - and a mapping:
>   mapper(MyClass, table)
> Pretty standard. Now, instead of queries like this:
> SELECT columnname, ... FROM tablename
> I'd like queries like this:
> SELECT somefunc(columnname),... FROM tablename
> I thought I could get that by overriding my column's ColumnProperty
> with something like that:
> mapper(MyClass, table, properties={
>     "columname": column_property(
>         sql.func.somefunc(table.c.columname).label("columnname")
>     )
> })
> but it doesn't work as I'd like because it seems that my TypeEngine is
> no longer involved after querying my table - the function returned by
> my TypeEngine's "result_process" method doesn't seem to be called.
> Is this expected? Do I have solutions to that problem?

somefunc() needs to specify the return type using type_=MyType, unless its
a known "generic" function that knows to pass through the type of the
first argument as that of the result (such as lower(), for example).

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