Andrew wrote:
> I also went ahead and checked the raw output of query.all()--it worked
> correctly; all the IDs were retrieved and displayed in raw format:
> "Decimal(###)" and so on.  HOWEVER, when parsing those rows using a
> simple for loop, a'la
>         str = ""
>         for row in query.all():
>             if row.sync_session_sid == None:
>                 str = str + "None<br>\n"
>             else:
>                 str = str + "%d<br>\n" % row.sync_session_sid
>         return str
> Which then returns:
>     468811
>     None
>     468721
> In other words, the *raw data* that it returns is good.  The mapping
> to objects is not.

query.all() returns a list of tuples (well, an ad-hoc subclass of tuple
that provides the named attributes).   if query.all() is correct, then
it's correct.   I notice you are comparing to None using "==".  What
happens if you change that to "is"?

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