strattonbrazil wrote:
> From what I've read of sqlalchemy, I originally wanted to have a main
> table with one attribute foreign keyed to another table's
> autoincremented integer primary key userId and a userName.  I thought
> I could join the tables together and set that as the mapper.  The save
> every object in my session.  I thought I had it all figured out until
> I found out that specifically for sqlite, autoincrement (or
> autogenerated primary keys) don't work with "composite" tables/using a
> join.

as long as the primary key of table #1 is a single-column primary key,
SQLite autoincrements it.  To get the pk into your joined table, set the
two columns to the same attribute.   e.g. as in

> I've tried to do it a number of different ways and was hoping to get a
> better way to do it.
> Option #1
> Insert it into the tables separately.  Without using a session, insert
> every user name into the users table catching every uniqueness error
> and ignoring it.  Run a select to get the primary keys back, and when
> lookup the userId before inserting an entry into the first table.
> I've tried something like this, but it was pretty slow, but I think I
> was doing a selection every time instead of one big one at the end, so
> I assume this was why it was so slow.  Plus catching unique errors
> seems like a hack, but I don't see any support for an insert-ignore.
> I've tried using a bulk insert, but it seems if there are any
> duplicates and throws an error, nothing is inserted.  I could filter
> before hand out all the duplicates, but I just assume sqlalchemy/
> sqlite would be able to handle this for me.  It might get hairy, too,
> with other instances of the program running on the same database.  If
> read back the names from the database, another instance could add
> another name that might kill my filtered bulk insert.
> Option #2
> Somehow get it to work using a session.  Since I can't do the join
> like I wanted (including the sqlite autoincrement feature), add
> everything like option #1 per table creating a mapper for each table.
> This seems like a hack having to map and unmap.  And I still have to
> catch duplicates errors.
> Is there a better way to go about doing this?
> >

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