Josh Stratton wrote:
>>> From what I've read of sqlalchemy, I originally wanted to have a main
>>> table with one attribute foreign keyed to another table's
>>> autoincremented integer primary key userId and a userName.  I thought
>>> I could join the tables together and set that as the mapper.  The save
>>> every object in my session.  I thought I had it all figured out until
>>> I found out that specifically for sqlite, autoincrement (or
>>> autogenerated primary keys) don't work with "composite" tables/using a
>>> join.
>> as long as the primary key of table #1 is a single-column primary key,
>> SQLite autoincrements it.  To get the pk into your joined table, set the
>> two columns to the same attribute.   e.g. as in
> Ah, I was going to reference another page, but I see you are the author.
> Heh.
> Anyway, isn't this the same problem?

that email refers to a composite primary key in a single table.  this is a
primary key that consists of more than one column.  your original email
didn't seem to describe that usage.

> If I don't use foreign keys
> pointing the main table to the user lookup, I get an error:
> <class 'sqlalchemy.exceptions.ArgumentError'>: Can't find any foreign
> key relationships between 'jobs' and 'users'

this is always easily worked around by specifing the "ON" clause to your
join(), as the second argument of table1.join(table2,
and_(, table1.c.bat==table2.c.hoho, ...)).

> I have table A that has a few preassigned primary keys and

here's a terminiology problem.  A table in relational databases can only
have one primary key.  The primary key may be composed of multiple
columns, in which case its called a "composite primary key".  So maybe
that is what you're describing here.

> non-primary_key column 'userId', which references table B.
> I have table B that has an autoincrementing primary key 'userId' and a
> userName column is unique.  Based on the linked message you wrote
> earlier, it seems like what you're now proposing isn't possible in
> sqlite.

as long as the sqlite table has only one column that is declared as
primary key in the CREATE TABLE statement, sqlite can autoincrment.  a
"userId" column declared as the PRIMARY KEY and a second "userName" column
that only has a unique constraint on it does not impact SQLite's
autoincrement capability.

> >

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