Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 January 2010 19:26:56 Michael Bayer wrote:
>> On Jan 5, 2010, at 11:35 AM, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > we have a utility-script "schemautil" that allows us to re-create our
>> DB
>> > based on the metadata of SA, or simply dump the generated SQL for
>> manual
>> > inspection - the latter is used when one writes migration scripts.
>> >
>> > Now we noticed a strange behavior: the generated SQL isn't working for
>> > postgres anymore. This is how we create the engines:
>> >
>> >        if strategy is None:
>> >            self.engine = create_engine(dburi)
>> >        else:
>> >            self.buf = StringIO()
>> >            def executor(s):
>> >                self.buf.write(str(s))
>> >                self.buf.write(";\n")
>> >
>> >            self.engine = create_engine(
>> >                dburi,
>> >                strategy=strategy, # this is "mock"
>> >                executor=executor
>> >                )
>> >        self.engine.echo = echo
>> >
>> > The output is e.g.
>> dburi needs to have "postgres://" in it in order for the PG dialect to
>> be
>> invoked.    theres a slim chance something doesnt work here in 0.6 that
>> does in 0.5.   Does your system work when using 0.5 ?
> Yes. And we debugged into it with pdb. This is what the engine looks right
> after the above code is run, for dumping:
> -> self.engine.echo = echo
> (Pdb) pp self.engine.__dict__
> {'Connection': <class 'sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection'>,
>  '_should_log_debug': False,
>  '_should_log_info': False,
>  'dialect': <sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.psycopg2.PostgreSQL_psycopg2
> object at 0xa36b62c>,
>  'engine': Engine(postgres://),
>  'logger': <logging.Logger object at 0xa36bb0c>,
>  'pool': <sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool object at 0xa36b96c>,
>  'url': <sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL object at 0xa36b4ec>}
> (Pdb)
> HTH. Looks like the URI is ok though.

then its a bug.  if you can file a ticket that would be helpful otherwise
I'll forget to get around to this.
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