Hello again,

I'm getting errors in a certain case which lead me to suspect that I'm
missing some big picture sharding concept, so to better understand
sharding I'm playing with the SQLAlchemy sharding unit tests

Here's one of the investigative tests I've added in order to better
understand query_chooser:

    def test_read(self):
        session = create_session()
        query = session.query(WeatherLocation)

        print "get tokyo:"
        # query_chooser returns: ['asia']
        tokyo = query.filter_by(city='Tokyo').filter_by

        print "access tokyo:"
        # query_chooser returns: ['north_america', 'asia', 'europe',
        assert tokyo.city == "Tokyo"

My question: If we already have an instance of tokyo from the 'get
tokyo' code snippet, why is a new query_cls being instantiated to
rerfesh the tokyo object on access (thus having to traverse all 4
shards) rather than using shard_chooser and the got instance to
compute the shard based on its continent value? Is there some way I
can optimize this case, perhaps by setting the shard_id somewhere, so
that 4 queries aren't executed in this case? Hope that was clear

Thanks again for your time,

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