diana wrote:
> Hello again,
> I'm getting errors in a certain case which lead me to suspect that I'm
> missing some big picture sharding concept, so to better understand
> sharding I'm playing with the SQLAlchemy sharding unit tests
> (sqlalchemy/test/orm/sharding/test_shard.py).
> Here's one of the investigative tests I've added in order to better
> understand query_chooser:
>     def test_read(self):
>         session = create_session()
>         query = session.query(WeatherLocation)
>         print "get tokyo:"
>       # query_chooser returns: ['asia']
>         tokyo = query.filter_by(city='Tokyo').filter_by
> (continent='Asia').first()
>         print "access tokyo:"
>       # query_chooser returns: ['north_america', 'asia', 'europe',
> 'south_america']
>         assert tokyo.city == "Tokyo"
> My question: If we already have an instance of tokyo from the 'get
> tokyo' code snippet, why is a new query_cls being instantiated to
> rerfesh the tokyo object on access (thus having to traverse all 4
> shards) rather than using shard_chooser and the got instance to
> compute the shard based on its continent value?

You just got a new tokyo from the DB, and I assume no inherited tables are
in effect, the session is brand new, so no SQL should be emitted when
accessing tokyo.city, which I am assuming is a textual field.   The key
"city" should be present in tokyo.__dict__, and no Session should be
accessed.    Nothing I can see from the above code indicates a second SQL
should be emitted.

of course the details of the mapping might say something totally different
(i.e. deferred(), joined table inhertance, etc.)

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