King Simon-NFHD78 wrote:
You'll have to give it a table name, which will have the effect of
defining a Table object even though no such table exists in the
database, but I don't think this matters. Then you could use the query
that Mike suggested to actually retrieve rows
Thanks, Simon - I ended up doing something much like this. I went down a slightly different path before I realized I was basically doing what you suggested. I ended up with the following. I'm not sure what sort of side effects I'd see from this (other than, perhaps, ridicule :), but it does work the way I want and seems safe enough if used strictly in this way. Note, 'real_vehicle' is not an actual table in the database.

I think I'll retool this using the declarative_base to see how that works out.

real_vehicle = Table('real_vehicle', metadata,
    Column('vehicle_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('vehicle_name', String),
    Column('vehicle_description', String),
    Column('vehicle_type', String),

class Vehicle(object):

mapper(Vehicle, real_vehicle)

vehicle_query = """
    v.vehicle_id as 'vehicle_id', as 'vehicle_name',
    v.description as 'vehicle_description', as 'vehicle_type'
    vehicle v,
    vehicle_type vt
    vt.vehicle_type_id = v.vehicle_type_id
    and v.vehicle_id = :vehicle_id

q = s.query(Vehicle).from_statement(vehicle_query).params(vehicle_id=1)

for vehicle in q:
print vehicle.vehicle_id, vehicle.vehicle_name, vehicle.vehicle_description, vehicle.vehicle_type

Thanks again, Simon and Michael, for the help!

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